Jan 10, 2014 23:57
Andrew wasn't the dating type, at least he hadn't been since Hogwarts. That meant that there had been no girls to bring home to meet mum and step-dad, nobody to introduce as his girlfriend, and a lot of nagging from his mum when it came to settling down. After everything that had happened in school, all the near death experiences and taking sides, he didn't see the point in getting invested again.
That was, of course, until now.
Catherine had been thrilled when Drew said he'd be bringing somebody to dinner. While he had originally owled her with the news she had gone straight for the phone with her hundreds of excited questions. It wasn't simple enough to bring somebody - she needed to know where he had met her, what she liked to eat, if she was allergic to anything, and so on and so forth. Most of the questions he couldn't even answer himself.
But they were here now and he was praying that his mum had calmed down enough to make it through dinner before imploding. After all, they were going to be delivering and he was nervous about it. It was the the jittery, sweaty palms, finger thumping against the dinner table type of nervous and Drew wasn't used to it. He didn't feel this way, hardly ever. But then again, he had never told his mum that he was having a baby before.
"You ready for this?" he asked, squeezing her hand despite the clamminess of his own. They were standing on the porch and he could see the lights on in the dining room, his mother no doubt putting the finishing touches on dinner table while the roast settled.
He just needed a minute.
He wanted to give Jemma a minute.