You may remember my post a from a few days ago of an apartment building currently being torn down. You can find all the pictures there. Since I posted I went back and took some more pictures. I don't think this batch turned out as well but that's okay. I intend to go back this weekend and get some better ones. I showed my first set to my art teacher and she loved them. She even entered two in the Scholastics Art Competition. I doubt they will win consider the level of skill in that competition but it's still a great honor. I used the one of the back door and porch and the one where you could see through the window framed by pipes. Thank you for all the comments that inspired what I ended up titling them. Botkin Flats: Out For A Smoke and Botkin Flats: Through and Through.
I did some research and found it's located on 501 S Main at Waterman Street. Wichita, Kansas. It was called the Botkin Flats. I still have yet to swing by the library and do some article searching and that sort of thing but again I'll probably do that this weekend after finals. Without further adieu...