So I'm damned busy, but I'm trying to get up to speed on the fallout from Joey Manley's column, which I have never paid much attention to because it just doesn't seem very interesting, possibly because I am not an online comic creator and these columns seems like wierd subliminal drama stirring broadcasts to everyone who ever scanned in a comic to be read by the masses.
What I need to know is, am I allowed to like
Cat and
Penny Arcade and (Not that I particularly know of any drama between those two, just pointing at two battling philosophies)?
Orneryboy AND
Deisel Sweeties? (FACT: Those fuckers HATE each other!*) Is anyone allowed to like
Quantz? Will someone please start reading
Fabricari already?
Is there a place for me in this new world? The drama is mildly entertaining, I wont lie, but some of you guys are stinking up my internet.
*I have been called out on this one being a dirty dirty lie and misspelled. Apologies to those affected. I'm keeping the misspelling though, because I deserve to look like an ass for that one.