Don't call it a sketchdump

Feb 09, 2006 06:56

Cross posted from my sire and Myspace. So yeah, this blogging thing is really not second nature to me. I admire the hell out of people who can find a way to put new content up every day or two, and I do suspect if I stick to this I will get there, so I'm learning to walk here. I haven't been completely inactive in this time, so let me make up the last two weeks to you with a few drawin's.

I am pretty god damned obsessed with Zombies these days, and I play this game online, Urban Dead, which is a grid based online RPG of sorts. When I started, I was really concerned I would become obsessed and it would consume my day, but you literally can't play it for more than maybe 20 minutes before you are out of action points and have to rest, so I get my playing done in the morning before work or when I am eating lunch. My character is me, though this picture makes me thinner than I am, and I would probably run in a more girlie fashion from Zombies.

Um, a theme at this point, this weekend, feeding my Zombie obsession I picked up books 1-4 of Robert Kirkman's most excellent comic book The Walking Dead. I really don't buy comics these days, and happened to check this out two weekends ago and was really impressed, so I bought all the books, and they are really truly excellent. Kirkman clearly loves a good Zombie story, and the characters who we go on this journey with are people we know and like, and sometimes don't like, and it makes it easy to get attached to them. I definitely recommend the book for anyone who likes Zombies. Anyway, that pic is me trying to do a semi-serious drawing, really it's just fan art of the main character of the book.

Oh, here we go, this is familiar territory. I felt a mini breakthrough with this piece, I am trying to find the right marriage between gradient fills and hard lines, and was really pleased with this when I was done with it.

And here is another character using the same method. Not quite as perfect, but it's not far off and I really like this one as well.

Can you tell I'm tapering off getting tired of blogging? I am. Now my wife can get off my back:) SEE YOU TOMORROW CROSS MY HEART.

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