Oct 25, 2004 10:22
well helloooo there-
So after a long hiatus of livejournaling, I am once again back in business. So its been a good but tiring week, as I finally got a day off from work this weekend on Saturday. This past week I have been housitting for my boss which has been great because it got me out of the house and away from the rents, thank god. So, originally I thought I was not going to get paid for the job but then to my surprise today my boss hands me $120.00 just for living in his house, talk about a great investment. So I have decided to leave the TV business and become a professional housitter, anyone want in? jk
So on Thursday I went to Ben Folds at the El Rey which was pretty bad ass, but just as I thought it could not get any better, William Shatner came out with Joe Jackson and did some spoken word with Ben. Wow, watching that combination was comedy in itself, and it had the crowd chanting "We want Shatner". Who would have thought that an ex-trekkie could be so funny. All I kept thinking about was Family Guy and the many times the rip on his voice and that I was actually entertained by this atrocity known as Shatner.
Now on to real business, so this weekend is almost finally upon us and Rew will be back in town in SC. Its about fooking time right?
Cant wait to see the old crew.
Love you guys,