Jun 10, 2006 00:07
soooo yeah i doubt anybody reads this but heck its good to get some writing down about my life whats going on who are the people effecting it so on and so forth. well i guess i am kinda in a stand still and have been since i moved back home. mainly the thing that is botherign me is not having a liscence. i know i shoudl have gone for it earlier like jacky said (jacky my working buddy) but i honestly dotn nee dit till now. they may be coming out with a job opportunity at the old navy one that intrigues me. i am gonna apply if they have a moves cordinater position open. i have a feeling jackie is gonna get the job she applied for and amanda already got her job of being a customer service supervisor this was her last week. sigh... maybe i should have went into work today not like i did anything constructive. Greg seems beside himself he missed work twice and didnt call and that gets you fired so he might be fired and that would leave us form 3 moves cordinators to zero. thats why i am wondering if there is gonna be an opening. heh mayeb my life was destined for retail i feel like further education isnt nescessary for me cause well not that i am not bright enough for it but, whats the point my only remarkable skills involves me drawing super heroes and knowing video games like the back of my hand. i hardly think i am gonna find a career out of either. my dad want sme to go back to school. i just feel like i am gettign nowhere fast. but in good news i am more uprfront about my problems and i am also more confident then i was thanks to all my friends at Old Navy. i dotn know whats right for me all i know is i need to find either a really good full time job or find some school that supplies my needs. i think i will have a better chance finding a job. but before all of this can happen i nee dmy liscence. and when i get that littel card with my id on it i can do whatever i want hell i can think about movign out again. and i wont be such a loser that i can maybe ask a girl out on a date. heh there goes my self confidence heh well i am working on it.i think jackie would laugh at me if i asked her out. only cause she is 5 years older then me. and i talke dot chippy about dating and she told me i am to young to date people i should just have flings and be happy with it. chippy is a riot she rocks i probobly told her to much about myself when we went to nashuwa last wenesday. So i probobly creeped her out. I gotta stop spilling the beans when it comes to my life situation. what happened to beign the strong silent type? she probobly htinks i am a weirdo. Heh maybe i should ask jackie out just for i dont know a hang out nothing huge like maybe we go watch a movie hell we could get groups together and make a night of it. shes fun and she is a lot like me in many ways. heh i think i am willing to love to quickly that was my problem in the past and i fear it may lead me down the same road again. well i am trying to learn and i think i amking some proggress.
well thats all for now cya