Apr 16, 2004 17:06
i love hardcore (and mosh/stagedives/friends/fun/memories/DOING SOMETHING)
i love food.
i love being outside when it's beautiful (night or day)
i love being naked (only alone)
i love my family
i hate faggots who talk shit to me from their car while i'm riding my bike. i talk shit back. i hope they stop. i'll still talk shit. pussies
i hate people who seemingly have no ability to comprehend how beautiful life can be if you think outside the box
mostly. I have no clue what I'm about. I have too many feelings and thoughts. and a lot of them conflict. and it's hard to sort it all out.
i want to do too much at once. i want everything. i never want to let go. or accept that it's the last time I can do _____ (doesn't matter what. just anything. last day of school. last day of ANYTHING. i hate things ending)
i am who i am. and I'll never change... I can't. i'll change things. i always do. I get real bored with stagnation of any kind. umm. but mostly. i'll still be a wacked out dork that most people probably don't like or get.
i want a tattoo of words on my chest. it just seems like the most out there part of your body. it's like "FUCK YOU. look at me. this is what I am"
but it's realllly hard to think of something that can embody everything I could ever be about or say in a few words. the closest I think I can ever come is this
strongarm style. stop listening to every time I die. and listen to strongarm. period
for real. I don't think I can ever forget why I love hardcore. all I have to do is listen to a song like "we all die" by BLOOD TIES.
in the end we all die.
but tonight we are IMMORTAL.
tonight we live forever.
tonight we are immortal
it's one of those chill giving songs. I don't think I could ever come up with a more perfect way to explain my love for this thing. the feeling that you die. life is pretty pointless really. you get your happiness. then fuck everything else really.
and this is my way to get happiness. and do something. and feel like I'm making a difference. there is no better feeling I've found than being at a show. and just seriously feeling that nothing else matters. for five hours I'm going to do what I want. and not give a fuck about ANYONE or ANYTHING. and let everything out. and smile.
this is my modus operandi