unloading this story here...

Jun 05, 2011 02:08


so i went to my cousins engagement party.

it was very nice, very fancy, alotta nice people.


first of all i went to the city, and got yelled at by my dad when i arrived home

because when explaining why i didn't drive to the tram, saying i wanted to preserve petrol, and enjoy a walk, the yelling began because i had a "disgraceful tone" apparently

i attributed this smouldering due to my dads disliking to social events and his shitty anxiety issues.


so we are on the drive there. i am 6ft tall in the backseat... with my mother and sister. front seat is given to the talest person. sisters fiance who is... oh what SAME FUCKING HEIGHT AS ME... but he has the honor of having the front fucking seat... i am given the back, i and squished, i look over and see my sister has ton of space to move but she claims this is a lie, so for the 1hr and 10 min ride i am squished reading my graphic novel and listening to blink 182 along the way


we get there and i go straight to my baby niece. the father, my brother, not excited to see me, to catch those who are new... my brother despises me even though i have known him my whole life. SO i play with the baby, after a while i see the ONE and ONLY person i wanna see, my cousin, MAT (brother of the engaged one, mat is lead singer to melb local band FIRST BASE, we talk about THE WONDER YEARS gig we both attended, and than i am done, i am good to go haha, but ofcoarse there is 5 more hours to go until i can leave. not too fussed... but the following is why i hate family functions:
  1. seeing family remember who make a "oh it's him" face when they see me
  2. seeing distant family members who can't remember my fucking name
  3. having close family (aunts and uncles) starting convos where i catch them up on my life and in the twinkle of their eyes i see the faint scream of "WHY DID I FUCKING ASK" lingering

so i stay close to the baby, and my sister. even this sucks because her fiance, Mr. front seat, isn't my cup of tea. so i begin to eat the chocolate roses which lay upon the tables, they are fucking yum! my little cousin, Mckenzie, 9 years old for the next 30 minuets wacks me with a painful piece of wire (chocolate rose stem) over and over, after countless requests for her to stop, she keeps going, as hitting me entertains my sisters fiance... i am beginning to anger.


my sister, her fiance, my brother and his fiance, along with myself go to the dance floor and we dance to some music. we have a great times, as usual my sisters fiance pounds me with constant bickering to drink more. i don't but i do drink a bit. that song comes on which says "shory got low, low, low , low, low", my bother and the sisters fiance tell me not to do the dance move of"getting low" which is the girls bit... i am only wanting to have fun... yet i can't do that because it looks "unmanly"

moments later, the sisters fiance come up and says into my ear, "you have to be gay" i look at him with questionable eyes, he continues "you need to talk to these girls, or you're fucking gay." i brush it off and say... "their not my type"... which they aren't, barbies are not my type, he then comes in close and says "pussy is pussy mate"


i kinda dislike this conversation, and resort back to the quiet room, to where the baby is... i prefer being there than the homophobic squanderings of my soon to be brother in-law.


i return to the dance floor only for a second. i rarely dance. but Robbie Williams comes on, "Rock DJ" to be exact. i like this song, it is dance worthy. my sisters fiances makes the physical action of "spitting on the dance floor" showing his dislike for this artist and song. i raise my voice, as it is too loud and say "this is a good song!" my sister snaps at me and says not to YELL at her boyfriend.... i just bite my tongue and walk away.


so after a while of keeping to myself and leaving everyone alone. we begin to leave.

in the car i said something, correcting my sister, she than snaps back at me, repeating my dads words when i walked into the house after my trip to the city

"he is using a disgusting tones with me"

the entire car ride i keep my mouth shut, eyes closed, listening to Blink 182, and await my arrival to my home.

where i log onto tumblr. and write this.


there is the run through of my night

if you read this, thank you

if you didn't, well i guess you saved 15 minuets of your life by not reading my shitty night story.

goodnight everyone.
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