Live from the Plague House

Sep 05, 2011 15:16

So Matt's been laid out with a cold/flu of some kind since Friday night. Unpleasant, especially since we don't have insurance for him. But we're muddling through.

And then last night happens. I woke up at 3AM and spent the next hour-ish praying to Ralph the Porcelain God. And when I got up this morning, I spent 1:45 providing new offerings from both ends. I've been... experiencing his grace off and on all day and after a 3 hour nap, I think I'm finally to the point where I can keep down some clear fluids. Which is, of course, when the fever kicks in. So I'd say it's a safe bet that I'll be heading to the doctor rather than work tomorrow. Perhaps I can convince them to give me an extra antibiotic prescription I can give to Matt.

On the plus side, I actually have sick leave to cover this, so I'm not losing money, and since this is a holiday week, I wouldn't have been able to earn overtime anyway. I just hope we're both better by next weekend; there are plans afoot.

house, health

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