(no subject)

Feb 19, 2006 14:42

I love SNOWBALLs... Today after church, I pelted Katie with SNOWBALL, and Mom got mad at me... Then, as we were walking out to the car (It was just Mom and I.), I pelted her with SNOWBALL. At the restaurant, Katie decided to get a little revenge, and shoved SNOWBALL down my shirt, and just to show her that there were no hard feelings, I took off my coat so that the entire restaurant could see the huge wet spot on the back of my shirt for the entire time we were there. I then enlisted her as my confidant. My evil plan is to NAIL everyone today. Dad's the only person left... (I NAIL'D Rachel as we were leaving the restaurant.)

Yeah. NAIL: verb transitive: to PWN by SNOWBALL. pasttense/pastparticiple: NAIL'D gerund: does not compute.

But now I must address a much more serious matter:
I've had this stuffed scorpion (SEEN HERE - Cute, No?) that has had a permanent place on my alarm clock for as long as I can remember... but he has no name. We looked up the beanie baby name for it, but that name sucked, so we looked through every baby names website that we bothered to take a secong glance at, and by 3:00A.M., through the combined efforts of myself, Carissa, Annette, and Ali, we had narrowed it down to three names: Guillermo, Alexander, and Kaito. Katie convinced me at lunch today that Alexander was a bad name due to some historical and Valley View affiliations.

Guillermo is Spanish for William. It's pronounced [gee-YER-moe], and means Strong and Corageous (Defender).

Kaito is Japanese. It's made from the kanji KAI (the sea) and TO (the big dipper), and is pronounced [KA-ee-toe].

Guillermo is noble and kind of funny, but Kaito is just a fun name... It's hard for me to decide. Feedback is appreciated: Please tell me which name you like better... or if you can think of a better name. (I'm certain that there are several good ones that we skipped/weren't included in the websites we visited.)

IT'S SUPPOSED TO SNOW AGAIN TONIGHT. *hopes for no school*

Also, Carissa's great uncle was recently diagnosed with the late stages of cancer... We need to keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers.

Te quiero. ♥
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