wow wow wow

Mar 15, 2010 11:04

Now that we have cable I can DVR shows, which is good for me because my evenings get kinda crazy and Jason hates the shows I watch (to be fair I don't really like his shows either). So I get to watch my shows in the afternoons during naptime...

I just watched the second episode of "Parenthood"...and can I just say "wow!" and "yay!"?

Usually, I watch the pilot of show, love it and then the second ep disappoints.  This is SO no the case here...

The casting is terrific...I really believe that the four "siblings" are in fact related.  They have a great rapport and fun to watch.

The Asperger's storyline breaks my heart...and gives me hope.  I'm so excited to see a TV show bringing Asperger's and Autism awareness into the foreground and plopping it right into the spotlight.  I can only hope and pray that this will spark more public awareness and advocacy for these special, wonderful children. (this happens to be near and dear to my heart)

This has all the makings of being a terrific show....I hope they keep it up!


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