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x_erikah_x Don’t look at the questions under the cut before writing down your choices first.
Write the names of 10 characters of any fandom of your choosing, 3 technology devices, and 3 types of whump. Then look at the cut, read and answer the questions replacing the numbers with your choices.
My choices:
1.John Sheppard (SGA)
2.Samantha Carter (SG1/SGA)
3.Jack O'Neill (SG1)
4.Daniel Jackson (SG1)
5.Teyla Emmagan(SGA)
6.Ronon (SGA)
7.Elizabeth Weir (SGA)
8.Vala (SG1)
9.Jonas Quinn(SG1)
10.Teal'c (SG1)
1.Puddle Jumper
3. Prison
1)Paring Seven/Nine (Elizabeth/Jonas) is now canon. What’s your reaction?
I could see it....
2)Character Six (Ronon) suffers whump two (stabbed) and Character Three (O'Neill) has to care for him/her. They remain alone for one hour. What happens in this hour?
Not much talking....LOTS of sarcasm
3)Technology three (stargate) malfunctions and causes Character Four (Daniel) whump one (shot). Character Nine (Jonas) is there to help and both share nice bonding moments throughout the story until Character Three (O'Neill) comes to the rescue. What title would this fic have?
hahahaha are we sure there wasn't a ep like this? Because it could so totally work... No idea what the title would be though, I suck at titles....
4)Seven (Elizabeth) and Eight (Vala) are lost. Technology one (puddle jumper) is not working and Character Ten (Teal'c) is on the way. How the rescue goes?'d they get lost in the first place? Neither of them can fly the puddle jumper...oh...unless John or Jack took them (more likely John than Jack) and then got knocked out...but with Teal'c to the rescue, things would be totally fine...Teal'c's just that good. And I bet there'd be some pretty silly moments between Elizabeth and Vala...Vala'd probably get Elizabeth to spill ALL her secrets! LOL
5)Character Five (Teyla) is on the infirmary after suffering from whump three (Prison). Deeply worried, Character Eight (Vala) stays all night on his/her bedside. Five (Teyla) wakes up and finds Eight (Vala) snoring after the tiring night. Eight (Vala) promptly wakes up smiling and happy for Five (Teyla) being okay. What Five (Teyla) says to Eight (Vala)?
Um...I'm pretty sure that Teyla'd be a bit confused to find Vala of all people at her bedside...
6)What’s the summary for a fic with the plot of One (John Sheppard), Two (Sam) and Seven (Elizabeth) having to work together to solve the problem caused by technology two (DHD) malfunctioning?
Sam gets the DHD fixed in about two minutes; and (sorry but it's just how my mind works...) there's some nice threesome smut before they all head home safely.... *cough cough*
7)Eight (Vala) walks on Seven (Elizabeth) and One (Sheppard) having sex. What’s Eight’s (Vala) reaction?
Probably either something along the lines of "It's about damn time!" or "Ha...I SO knew they were doin' it!" :P
8)Three (O'Neill ) is sick. Six (Ronon) takes a chicken soup to him/her. It so happens that Three (Jack) gets food poisoning afterwards and Ten (Teal'c) is accusing Six (Ronon) of it. Is it true?
Nope...Poison isn't Ronon's MO...he'd just shoot ya if he wanted ya dead...but there'd be a nice fight b/w Ronon and Teal'c before it was all said and done....
9)One (Shep) is stranded and Four (Daniel) is feeling responsible. The angst gets worse after Two (Sam) rescues him/her after whump two (stabbed) happens. Four (Daniel) avoids One (Shep). After a long and painful recovery One (Shep) finally confronts Four (Daniel). What are the words exchanged?
Knowing Shep, he'd totally try to absolve Daniel of any guilt he's feeling, telling Daniel it wasn't his fault, blah blah blah...
10)Nine (Jonas Quinn) tries to fix technology one (puddle jumper), but fails and causes whump one (shot) on Three (Jack). Does Nine (Jonas) fells guilty or pleased?
Again...wouldn't be surprised if there was an ep like this too...could totally see it happening....and of course Jonas would feel bad....