Title: Snow Day (yes the title kinda sucks…I’m bad at titles…)
Pairing: Teyla/Elizabeth/John
Rating: M
Warnings: graphic adult content, femslash, threesome
Spoilers: None
A/N: This is for
bigdamnxenafan who wanted a Teyla/Elizabeth fic OR a Sparky fic with snow. This is my attempt at giving her the best of both worlds! Merry Christmas sweetie! *hugs* :D
They all stared at the image the MALP was sending to the screen in disbelief.
“Is that - “Rodney started.
“Snow?” John finished. “Yeah…”
“It does not look like anyone lives near the stargate. Perhaps we should go through and see for sure.” Teyla suggested.
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, still staring at the screen. “Yes.” she agreed. “And I’m going with you.” John shot her a look and opened his mouth to protest. “We’ll leave in a hour.” she said over John’s protest, dismissing everyone and sending them off to make their preparations.
“There’s absolutely NO reason for you to go, Elizabeth!” John argued.
Elizabeth made one final inventory of her ruck and tightened the strings on it. “John, I’m going. You’re not going to change my mind.” She shouldered her ruck and wiggled until it settled comfortably on her shoulders and back.
“Why? We don’t even know if there’s anyone to trade with.”
Elizabeth’s cheeks flushed slightly. “I miss snow” she whispered sheepishly.
John’s mouth fell open in disbelief and for a moment he just gaped at Elizabeth. He finally shook his head at her and laughed heartily.
“Shut up, Sheppard!” Elizabeth grumbled, pushing her way past John and out of her office.
John was still chuckling as they walked through the gate.
Teyla had been right; there weren’t any locals in the area immediately surrounding the gate. The team had split up, Rodney and Ronon going west; Elizabeth, John and Teyla, east. The groups walked for an hour, still finding nothing.
They took their time getting back to the gate, disappointed that they hadn’t found any local people but enjoying some uneventful time off-world.
As they walked, Elizabeth fell back, tipping her face to the falling snow and breathing deeply. Teyla looked back toward Elizabeth and started to ask if she was all right. Elizabeth put a finger to her lips and shook her head to hush the Athosian woman and bent to scoop up some of the fluffy snow.
Teyla’s eyes twinkled with amusement and she bit back a giggle as she watched Elizabeth. Green eyes gleaming mischievously, Elizabeth packed the snow into a tight little ball, took aim and tossed it at John, hitting him in the back, right above his ruck.
John yelped in surprise as the cold snow dropped down the back of his jacket and whipped around. He looked back and forth between Teyla and Elizabeth, glaring when Elizabeth defiantly met his eyes and smirked at him.
Her eyes widened slightly as she watched him slowly and methodically pack a snow ball of his own. He sauntered toward her, launching the snow ball at her as she backed away.
Elizabeth ducked and smiled at John, gloating at his miss as Teyla chuckled. John growled in frustration and, shrugging off his ruck as he went, ran at Elizabeth. He dropped to one knee and took her down, tackling her to the snowy ground.
Elizabeth squealed in surprise and grabbed another handful of snow, shoving it down the back of John’s jacket. He yelped and jumped away, giving Elizabeth a chance to drop her ruck and scramble away.
Teyla laughed as she watched Atlantis’ leaders wrestle and play in the snow like a couple of children. It wasn’t often that they both let go of their responsibility and allow themselves to forget who and where they are and just be. It warmed her heart to see them to that now. Her laughter was cut short when John caught her by surprise with a rogue snowball.
The battle continued for a short while, finally coming to an end when Elizabeth threw her hand in the air and called “Truce”, a touch of laughter still noticeable in her voice. John and Teyla conceded and they all stood, straightening their uniforms and brushing snow out of their hair. Elizabeth shivered a little from the cold.
“Oh crap . . .” she heard John mutter and turned to see what was wrong. Behind them, right on the horizon, a raging snowstorm was blowing toward them.
“Rodney, where are you guys?” John called into his radio.
“We’re at the gate.” Rodney called back impatiently. “Where are you?”
“We’re not even half way back . . . we got . . . distracted . . . “He glared at Teyla and Elizabeth as they bit back laughter. “Look, there’s a storm headed right for us, we’ll never make it to the gate. Head back to Atlantis - we’ll wait the storm out and head back when it clears.”
Rodney sputtered in protest.
“Rodney!” Elizabeth snapped. “Go! If we’re not back in twenty-four hours, come back through with Major Lorne and his team for us.”
“Fine!” Rodney grumbled. “Good luck.”
“I saw a cave back there. We can take shelter there.” Teyla cast a worried look toward Elizabeth and glanced at the sky.
part two