In which I discuss having no idea what my future holds, and yet I'm at peace with it.

Jul 07, 2014 23:43

In order to talk about my future, I need to revisit my past a little bit...

Music is my therapy - it's how I pump myself up, how I unwind, how I deal and how I heal. My life has a soundtrack - songs that at that moment in time best define what's going on or are the best for healing or inspiration or whatever. Songs that speak to me and where I am in my journey.

For years, my soundtrack included songs like these:

Praise You in This Storm, Casting Crowns

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Worn, Tenth Avenue North

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I'm Letting Go, Francesca Battistelli

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These songs helped me muddle through the destruction of my life. They gave me strength and brought me hope. They helped me fully dedicate my life to Christ and to give God all the struggles and heartbreak.They brought me healing and fortified my faith.  And they still do.

But I have a new soundtrack. I am at a crossroads - I am almost done with my Master's degree. In September I will not only gain back a bunch of free time, but I will have a MAED in Family and Community Service. When I started the program, I knew *exactly* what I was going to do with that degree. Now it's not as clear...well, honestly it's completely muddy. And two years ago, heck even just a year ago, that would have had me in panic. I don't typically handle change well to begin with, I have anxiety with change, and not having any idea where my life is headed would throw me into a tail spin.

My new soundtrack has kept that all at bay. My faith in God's plan is huge and I have complete trust in Him. I know He'll let me know what I need to know when I need to know it. I'm moving on past simply treading water and am being filled and prepared to move.

Now my soundtrack sounds more like this:

Write Your Story, Francesca Battistelli

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Thrive, Casting Crowns

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Oceans, Hillsong United

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I've been seeing and feeling all the ways God has been moving in my life over the past year and a half; it's been small ways, but they've been clear.

Now I'm on the brink of something I big...I can see and feel it there, just out of reach. And I am beyond excited for everything God is going to do in my life and all of the ways He is going to use me to change the world (even if it is just one person at a time)!

I haven't felt this excited or full of promise since I graduated high school. I don't feel beaten down by life anymore. I feel strong and whole and ready to take on the world!

music, faith, soundtrack of my life

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