Mar 03, 2009 19:10
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates but ive been a bit busy with work and stuff. The old excuse i know but its the truth! Its been a busy week with parents evening and all the assessment i have to do on the kids and im so glad it is now over with. Ive been a bit of a bad Livejournaller in general really im afraid. Got about a weeks worth of friend posts to read and comment on so expect a could of domments from me in the near future :)
Parents evening went ok except for one parent who thretened to take her child out of school. It was all becasue i hadent given this child Star of the Week yet which is pretty annoying as shes not the only child in the class not to get it but there you go. I was told afterwards that she threatens this with all the teachers so im not too concerned but it certainly put a dampner on the night i can tell you!
The weekend was pretty busy for a change. I went to my great Aunt and Uncles 50th Wedding Aniversary party on Saturday which was actually pretty good. We had the usual drunk family antics but it was a laugh. The speech my uncle gave was actually really touching and really gave me hope when it comes to people staying together and stuff especially since my mum and dad recently split up.
Spent Sunday shopping in the Trafford centre, looking at all the expensive things i cant have! Bought a few DVD's and some cloths but nothing exciting. Had a really nice Thai meal though at a resturant which was really tasty!
Other than that things are pretty much back to normal now so ill try to update a bit more often from now one. Hope everyones well and talk to you all soon,
parents evening