May 16, 2005 19:50
Well, I've been lazy, but for right now I'm going to take the time to finish what I started...
So I went though with Christmas break. It was a nice time spent at home, but as always, I was eager to get back to Tuscaloosa. Rickie came and visited me during break and stayed with my family because she had no one that could come get her from the airport. Somehow, I ended up with my sister's Nissan Maxima, but it was a car finally, whoohoo! So Rickie and I drove down to Tuscaloosa.
Quote: "Watch me run out of gas right as we get cell phone service."
Surely enough we did. As we pulled over to the side, we started to call Tommy, but out of nowhere a large pickup truck pulled up behind us and parked. The man got out of his truck and asked if we needed any help. He was definitely the hottest thing we were gonna find out in this neck of the woods. Rickie and I were definitely ecstatic that such an attractive man with such a sexy truck was going to help us out. He took us back to his home and gave us about half a gallon of gas. He then told us that he would follow us to the gas station at the end of the road to make sure we got there without running out again. We got to the gas station and Rickie insisted that I pay him some money. We got together $5 and gave the man his money. The only thing about it was that when we saw him at the very well lit gas station, he wasn't nearly as attractive as he was in the dark.
Quote: "Oh well, he at least deserves a blowjob for being so nice." - Rickie
Oh well. So we got back alive at least. I was dreading having to go back to my dorm room. My roommate had just been getting on my nerves. He would walk in on me when I was "busy" and would always stay in the room. Before I had left for Christmas, I had requested a single dorm room to solve the problem, but I still hadn't heard any information back on it.
Jana had introduced me to The Facebook back during Thanksgiving break. Apparently, she was pretty eager for Alabama to get it. I had spoken to a few people that I had seen their pictures on there and it still serves as a pretty good communication tool for me. I love it.
If it did anything, it did connect me with people who affected my life. Most people who are reading this aren't gonna know who I'm gonna be talking about. I'd prefer not to bring his name into this especially with the bitter attitudes that we still have towards each other. But you know who you are. Don't take this offensively, don't take it personally. I was wrong in most respects and I'll be completely honest, I wish I hadn't come into your life because I think I affected you negatively. I'm sorry for that but I hope that you are actually "happy" now, but I also hope you can re-prioritize what actually makes you "happy". Oh, and if you wanna bitch me out for this, feel free to, but it's your call.
Blah, I'm glad I got that off my chest. So keep in mind that there was that guy from way back in November. I guess my overbearing attraction to him got the best of me because he was pretty much moved on to his next whore. (Which I might add the whore was definitely a whore and definitely needs to be shot in the leg a few times.) So, I started talking to this guy off of the facebook. I had seen his profile in different places, and was all about contacting him. He was pretty damn hot too. Score one more for Drew!
I'm generally a healthy person, but at least once a year I come down with something. This time it was the flu. It hit me bad too. I was sitting up the first night while my roommate snored his brains out and my air conditioning would only produce unbearable heat. So, in my pain, I asked this guy if it would be ok that I stay at his apartment. He agreed and I slept there. The next morning I went directly to calling Sara to take me to the doctor. Of course, I was positive with the flu and the last thing that I really felt like doing was staying in that damn dorm room with my roommate. The doctor gave me some fancy coughsyrup. (fancy = hydrocodine) Well, I went ahead and made arrangements to stay with Amber that weekend because she had a spare bedroom at the Highlands and it worked out very nicely. Oh and her HOT boyfriend was there too! :)
Can't forget this: Amber came in the room drunk as piss one of those nights that I was sick. She walked up to my bed and woke me up to ask how I was feeling. Well, she started rubbing my arm and feeling my head and taking my temperature. It was all quite sensual. Me? I thought it was pretty damn funny. She even offered me a massage that night. I was afraid to refuse, but I did anyway. Funny what alcohol will do to you.
Well, it didn't take long until I was back at you-know-who's apartment. At some point, I was sleeping in the same bed with him. Yeah, things moved just a tad too fast. Not to mention, he had just broken up with his most recent boyfriend. Eventually, he moved on with his own life and I went on with mine.
It wasn't long until I got a message from his ex-boyfriend. But I'm not gonna go too in-depth into that right now because guess what?
Yes, yes, yes! Tommy, Karan and I had longed for the day that one of us would be able to buy cigarettes. Well, Rickie's birthday was well planned out. She had $250 for alcohol and a suite so we could all drink without worrying about dorm policies. Well, at the same time, Tommy had decided to go get his brother, Todd, and bring him to Tuscaloosa for the weekend so he could have some time away from his parents. Well, as we got to talking, Todd revealed to me that since I obviously "didn't favor women" that I would understand his situation. He basically came out of the closet to me, and told me about how he was afraid to tell Tommy about it. I was quick to inform him that he should let Tommy know and that Tommy would understand. Damn. Stupid closet-cases...Well, Todd and Tommy got into a big discussion about how in the hell their family is going to re-produce now. Just kidding...
So we get to Rickie's party and Todd had already told us that he didn't want Karan to know. Well, the reason being that Karan had dated Todd in the past. Well Todd's dumb ass went immediately to tell Rickie. Rickie was overly excited about the news and was just as excited to tell Karan (who had been drunk the whole day already anyway). Well, Karan over-reacted and freaked out about it. I'll excuse Karan's behavior though because like I said, she had been drunk, ALL DAY. Well she ended up leaving some very enormous hickeys on Todd's chest and Todd ended up puking on Tommy's math. God knows how he missed my math book!
Quote: "Karan, it looked like little toy cars had exploded on his chest!" -Tommy
So there was a lot of drama that night, but me and Tommy, as always, concluded the night by smoking a bowl and simply chilling the fuck out.
It didn't end there...The next weekend proved to be even more eventful for me. Well, Thursday night I hooked up with someone. Don't worry bout who it was. Friday night, I lost what Tommy likes to refer to as my "actual virginity" to the guy that had ditched me for the whore. Hmm.....well, if that didn't prove to fulfill my weekend, I still had one more night.
That Saturday night I just decided to lounge around my dorm room. I had just recently bought Napoleon Dynamite and decided to watch it. But with whom? Well, there was a certain person that I had been talking to the whole day. If you guessed who it was already, then good job for guessing that it was Mr. Namless #2's ex-boyfriend that had contacted me previously. I think I'll leave it at that. I like to think that we had something going on for a while, but yet again, my slutty nature is what turns everyone away from me.
Let me go back to the weekend before Rickie's birthday, because I just realized that I had forgotten something....
Actually, let me go back about a year prior to that. One day in high school, when I was going through a much larger drug phase than I ever went through, (believe it or not) I had gone with my buddy Brandon off to the middle of nowhere in Hamilton, AL. Well we were on the way to one of his friend's house and we smoked about 6-7 joints on the way there. When we got there, I was already out of it as it was and his friend gave me about 5 shots of straight Jager. If that didn't get me enough, then they were all sitting around smoking some white shit. Of course, me being stupid, I was willing to do it, but Brandon told me, "Don't you ever do this again. I've seen so many people fuck up their lives on shit like this." That was one thing that Brandon had always taught me. It was about moderation. He knew that it was OK to do it, but he didn't want me to do it again, for fear that I wouldn't be around him when I was doing it. Once I had smoked it, I immediately woke up and stayed pretty alert. I went to work later that day and performed better than any other day. Eventually, I had came to find out that I had been smoking pure speed. (a.k.a. a pure form of crystal meth)
So, what did this so-called bathtub mixture give me? A way to be more productive than ever. And honestly, I wasn't given a little speech on what it would do, I found it out for myself, so no, it wasn't a mental thing. So, did I want to do it again? Of friggin course. Well, I honestly can't remember when this fell into my calendar, but somwhere in it, I had a guy from Decatur come down bearing gifts. In all honesty, that was definitely a memorable time. Tommy & I were awake for about 3 days and we got more homework done than ever before.
Quote: "Drew, I've done my AMS paper and I've done all of my math and I just did my CS pretest and I just wanna go to sleep!"
"Tommy, how do you think I feel? Look at these bags under my eyes, they're green!"
Well, the issue of crystal meth came up with Sara and basically tore us apart completely as friends. She decided to go around and talk about how badly I was into drugs and how I really needed help. Well, to be honest, I didn't need help. I was just fine. I'm just fine now and I haven't touched it since this occurence. Oh well, I really started to notice her faults from this point on.
March brought about our midterms. The last semester, I signed myself, Rickie, Karan, Tommy, Colby and Stephanie (Colby's sorority sister) for an American Studies class. AMS 200, in fact. I had heard from a friend that it was a pretty good class and Dr. Tang was a good teacher. So for our AMS midterm, Rickie, Tommy and I all stayed up popping (well, I was snorting 'em) stacker 2's and writing outlines for our midterms. Blah, that was a night. We took Rickie into the Gordon Palmer men's bathroom and told her the story of the Gordon Palmer glory hole.
That story is gonna stay between us, but believe me when I say, it wasn't me involved. :) If I was, I would be proud to admit it!
Sometime, somewhere in life I get a call. It's another drug run. But is it someone new? Oh no...It's someone I haven't seen in quite some time though. It was Roy! I was actually very excited to hear from him again. For whatever reason, I really wanted to see him again. Well, he came to Paty to pick up his order and then leave. Before he left, I said to him, "Hey, we should smoke sometime, I'll give you a call." He agreed but he didn't seem like he wanted anything but to buy some pot off of me and leave. So he left and I thought to myself..."Oh well, at least I'll try to be nice about it and what not." So I contacted him the next day or so and when I offered to smoke them up, he seemed ok with the idea.
Well, I did. I got to meet Megan, that girl that I always saw him with. Megan seemed like a nice enough girl and it only got better as time progressed. Megan has quickly become one of the best people that I've met in Tuscaloosa. She's also commented more in this Journal than anyone else has. Many a great times were had at Megan's apartment and hilarity ensued. I also got to know Megan's roommates, Cat and Anna, and the neighbors.
So life became pretty consistent at that point. I would go to Megan's and smoke up and we would all have a good time. I was glad to have somewhere where Tommy and I could smoke, but I was more appreciative of the people that I got to spend time with. I can't say much on my sex drive at that point. I'm not sure whether it went up or down or what. I did have one prospect on my mind however...
But, that doesn't matter, because guess what? Someone came back and showed a somewhat enjoyable last night in my dorm. As much as I wish it could have lasted longer, been better, etc. I still was glad that I got to be with that person and what happened that night can only unravel a new year of stories to tell.
So, now that I have completed my first year of college, what have I learned?
I've learned that all the sex, drugs and alcohol will ruin your grades and ruin your chances of success at college, but ya know what? It's fun. So who cares? Need proof?
My GPA after my first year: 1.465 I come summer school with more sex, drugs and alcohol!