Mar 08, 2013 16:30
Friday, so it's a brief fanfic or outline:
HPMOR/harry potter topic thanks to Ginny
Let's go with an outline for now.
Immediately after Harry theorizes that Quirrel would clearly have his hands on a philosopher's stone, flash back to this. It should be similar in style to Harry's attempted attack on Moody but instead of being 6 turns of the clock, it's several vastly different times and places. People trying to defeat or find Nicholas Flamel, a centuries old wizard, who like Harry vastly underestimate his competence.
Attempt the first, 1430: Unexpectedly attacked with a simple axe, Flamel takes a severe wound but is able to use wandless magic to decapitate his would-be assassin.
Attempt the eighth (Flamel went into extreme hiding for a while), sometime in 1500: A conversation between two Flamel-hunters about possible sightings and rumors of men living in places for longer than they should or families of men who all seem to look the same. After one leaves, the other sits drinking at the bar for a while. A woman sits next to him, and he says "Well, that one would've gotten pretty close if I hadn't just sent him looking for a seemingly unaging, paleskinned shaman in Mongolia." As they fly away from The Leaky Cauldron on broomsticks, their features seem to shift. The woman becomes Flamel, and the man resolves into his wife.
Attempt the 421st, 1948: Tom Marvolo Riddle, soon after graduating Hogwarts. Barely escapes alive, in part due to Flamel's humorous tolerance of an opponent so young.
Attempt the 450th, 1979: Lord Voldemort, at the height of the Wizarding War with Death Eaters at his side, goes to Godric's Hollow, where Flamel is currently living. This time, his body is destroyed by Flamel, but not without Harry's Family being caught in the crossfire between Death Eaters and Flamel. Flamel is able to save Harry from the destruction. He uses false memories on the baby and other bystanders, and negotiates with Dumbledore, who is an old friend, to invent the prophecy to draw attention away from himself. Very few people ever heard this original prophecy, so faking it wouldn't be that hard. Not sure how to work the whole Snape overhearing thing into it.
Feedback is welcome but I'm mainly doing this for myself to practice writing more.