So here is a post with a bunch of photos of things from since when last I posted in roughly chronotriggeral order, with maybe some captions I guess?
So I had a christmas party! It was pretty fun, I tried to get everyone to wear santa hats with a sign that said "you must be this jolly" and a pile of santa hats at the door but compliance was spotty at best. I put on some christmas specials in the projector room. It turns out the star wars christmas special is WAY more terrible and surreal than anything I imagined.
For halloween I was a dapper gorilla. I somehow lost most creative costume to someone I can't even remember at the inferno costume contest. I was happy that hellboy won best costume overall though because fuck yeah hellboy.
So down town Austin has a bunch of awesome food-trucks and this was one of them, but unfortunately they didn't ACTUALLY have naan. Apparently making small servings of it is just way too labor intensive ;_;. The best was a combination korean/mexican food truck that served BBQ pork burritos, though I don't have any pictures of them.
Jeremy Shapiro does not fuck around when it comes to enthusiasm.
Or Acorns.
Back on the home front, I had some time to kill while I waited for my tires to get rotated etc. so I wandered into a christian supply store.
so THIS is why people have trouble finding Jesus. He's fucking camouflaged!
When I was a lad I four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large, and now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs to I'm ROUGHLY THE SIZE OF A BAAAAAAAAAAARGE!
So when this song came up on the road-trip back from Texas, I said "Man five dozen eggs is a lot! I probably couldn't eat that many for breakfast, but I bet I could eat that many in one day." and Jake said "Oh hell naw there's no way you could eat that many even in a day!" Taking this as the challenge it was so clearly meant as, I vowed to prove my honor to the slanderous Jake. Since I have not performed a shameful suicide, I clearly managed to complete this challenge.
Delicious Dobra with Lex, Joan, and Riley.
I've been learning to juggle recently, which is how I found out about Madfest which is a giant annual juggling festival+show, which is called the 47th annual madfest no matter what year it is. This is a bunch of people in the madison juggling club trying to do a pattern in part of the big gym Madfest was in.
So Patrick
A friend of mine from the Lesswrong meetups wanted to create a traditional secular holiday as an alternative to all of the existing religious holidays. Thus, Baconmas! Celebrated January 22 every year, on the anniversary of Sir Francis Bacon, the father of the scientific method, Baconmas, being a relatively new holiday, needs its own new traditions. The boasting shades are a pair of aviator goggles that, when you are handed them, you must don. While wearing them, you must tell a true boast about yourself, unironically and without ANY self-deprecation.
Another important Baconmas tradition: Scientific experimentation! This is Patrick adminstering the Rubber Hand Illusion*, with a hammer to the rubber hand as a punchline!
Obviously a key part of Baconmas is the bacon! This is chocolate dipped bacon stuck into maple-bacon icecream.
This is Lex's amazing claw talon makeup, which took her like, 20 minutes to do.
This is a badass steampunk robot dude who was at the Fire Ball. His little jaw piece was articulated, and he had a steam-tank backpack too.
Found in a tree on Governor's Island.
Someone left christmas ornaments up on a tree on Governor's island.
Taken with Firebreak, an awesome jailbroken app that lets you use the unfinished Panorama mode apple is working on for the Iphone. Still on Governor's island.
The Smoker's Corral at Leather and Lace at the Inferno.
Leather and Lace. I don't know.
Ryan North is now writing the Adventure Time comic, and this is something he snuck into a panel.
Freaky purple nutter-butter walrus from the front of a recipe magazine at Woodman's checkout.
I'm not mean I'm a thousand years old and I just lost track of my moral code.