Apr 13, 2007 01:50
So I didn't update last night. I was drunk.
Yesterday Mel was leaving to go back to Ottawa, so we drove to work together and hung out a good bit and stuff. I got in her car and opened my bottle of Diet7Up, and it exploded! All over my jacket. Bad start to the morning. Work was ok.
I went down to the restaurant in the hotel and had dinner and a few beer and ran into a few of the Rogers people Mel had introduced me to the night before. They invited me back to their rooms (they had joining rooms w/ a door you could use to go back and forth.
I left the restaurant and came back to my room, as I had a phone date I was late for. It was cute, nice to hear your voice.
Then I went to their rooms and had a few beer. I forget their names, but they were all great.
I woke up a little late this morning. I didn't have time to shave or anything, and the cab took forever. I got to work JUST in time. My class loves me btw. We had a great day. I went to lunch with an older lady in my class, Linda. We had Quiznos! They have one here, it was awesome. She had to order for me though, cause the people only spoke french (she ordered for me yesterday too).
After I was done by class, I ran into Monique (who I love), we hung out last night too and had a few beer. She says she's not a partier, but I can see it in her. YOU'RE COMING OUT WITH US TOMORROW NIGHT! I also met up with Charlene, the trainer who came in place of Mel (I miss you). Shes pretty cool too. She's a vegetarian, not because she's particularly against the slaugher of animals, but cause it helps keep her thin. A girl after my own heart (except i like meat). The three of us shared a cab home together. Oh, I don't know what the weather was like in Newfoundland today, but we had/are having a snow storm. So it took us forever, and like a $30 cab ride to get back here. (we also had a brief pit stop at the convenience store for cigs and beer). Oh ,I bought the wrong kinda smokes *again*.
So after I explained how the mini fridge worked, we all decided to have dinner together in the restaurant here in the hotel. So Monique and I hung out for a bit, had a couple of drinks, she's huh-larious. Then we met up with Charlene and went down. They made us sit in the bar.. They said the restaurant was really busy and we'd be served faster this way. It was strange, because I only saw three tables being used, but the bar had a better view, and was closer to alcohol.
Janice called me during dinner to ask me if I was watching Grey's tonight. It was nice to hear her voice. But it was a repeat so I didn't bother. I did however find a website that let me watch the most recent episode of DH, I missed it whiel I was on my way here Sunday. It was sooo good.
Smoked a j, had a few beer, now I'm chatting with a very cute boy online, so I must go. nite