May 09, 2006 18:15
i need to be writing my research outline but i can't.
and i know i can get away with not doing it but i'ts still making me depressed.
so this whole intense counseling program that everyone wants me to go to is apparently either 2 days a week after school at Yale and i would have to do this whole thing with all my school work, like it would have to be adjusted for me and stuff because i wouldn't have enough time.
or the other one in the summer which is apparently 9-12 EVERYDAY for a couple MONTHS.
thanks, but no thanks.
i want a life but i do want to help myself have an ok one at the same time.
i guess it wouldn't be that much of a sacrifice considering i don't really have anymire friends.
the past 5 months i've been sitting home by myself each weekend while everyone else goes out and does stuff.
but i dont want to go out and drink, i'm so over that.
like i said before i haven't drank since january and it's not worth it.
i complain how i have nothing to do, and i feel like i've been abandond by my friends socially, i still would have a really hard time going out if someone wanted me to.
i'm to scared to do something. i dont know. maybe this is why i need to go to that program
i can't even bear school anymore and i keep going home early or missing school. at one point it was really bad, but i'm ok now.
i have no idea what to think anymore. my mind keeps jumping from im fine to i need help socially. AH.
i just don't want to exist right now. it's too hard