
May 02, 2006 18:14

Well i guess things are fine, i mean right now at this very minute, 6:16 that is.
things have been difficult this past week again.
i was so anxious this weekend that i couldn't leave the house all weekend
so i stayed home and did nothing.
well i watched Brokeback mountian. probably the best love story ever.

so these anxious fots keep oveerwhelming my life, 
i barley went to school last week because i couldnt handle all those ppl.

i dont know
and now they're talking about me going to an outpatient program like a few times a week mainly for anxiety.
my counselor even sugessted a hypnotist.
i wish they would just give me valium or something.

so prom. who knows, i dont feel like thinking about it. or going.
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