Sep 13, 2003 13:37
it's horrible to stop being a priority not be a good not be anything at all..and at times i just thought that we were more special than that.
guess guys just have different interpretations of things...
i picture myself in new york..
i never thought myself a new york gal
since i was little i always invisioned the big city eating me whole
im too nice for new york
and yet i know that's where i feel more alive..
so im packing up my bags and least i see that in my future..
new york it scares's the most intimidating thing
you walk down the street and no one gives a flying fuck who you are
everyone in there own there own lives..
and i'll be one of those people
trying to catch the subway ...yelling at my cab driver
can't wait
as for me..i'm living..i wake up and see pink