Hi all! I've been working on an early 16th century southern German (Saxony) noblewoman's dress for about three years and finally, FINALLY, finished it so ta da!
(You can see the full Flickr album of way too many photos:
here I went with a side-laced under-dress/kirtle; I suspect a front-laced is more likely but I wanted to experiment :) I found to my surprise that every image I saw of this dress had the same type of black-and-white shoes on so I made shoes for the first time :) (Slippers actually, maybe I will graduate to real shoes some day :)) I also made my stomacher/breast-band/brustflech/whatever-you-call-it as a separate piece and had a rectangle of linen on my back it was tied to (it seemed to just fit better that way; just tied it tended to bunch up and pins were annoying me. Is this correct? I've no idea, but it worked :)) and I made a coif, forehead cloth and hat. *whew!* So many pieces!
I love how the feathers look on the hat.
My documentation packet for the dress was 33 pages long (and that was after editing it down! heh.) For my full blog on the dress and creation check out this
finely crafted link.