12 in 12: June - Asterisk Work Dress Pt 4 *Finished!*

Jul 10, 2011 09:00

Another one done! Well that only took forever. Full blog post here.

Possibly the clearest picture I've ever taken on my phone.

Then it was just a matter of turning the dress inside out through the bottom and sewing the lining outer fabric pieces together but not attaching the lining to the outer fabric. I think that made sense.

Ignore the boxes. It fits!

I don't really know what happened here. I don't really look like a flat board in the front. The dress wasn't hemmed yet, though, so possibly it was just hanging weird.

Party in the back!

The next day we had some things to do in San Francisco, so of course I found every piece of black and white clothing I could to go with it.

This guy? I love this guy. We're planning on running away together.

Unfortunately it's not a full shot of the dress, nor did I have the brains to take off my jacket, but it is proof that the dress is finished and I did wear it out. Go me!

modern, finished!

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