You remember the Mock Kirtle? OK, I finished the sleeves... And now I need to make a shirt to go under it. I took a look through me New Favouratist Book Evvah! (TM) and found this:
I have some lovely natural cotton calico, and some nice cluny style cotton lace:
I have a couple of meters of this edge lace. It was obviously once round the hem of something, but as it came to me in a bundle of donated lace, I have no idea what! Could date back to the 1970's...
This insertion lace came from the same source. It's probably of similar vintage. As you can see, there's lots of it, so there should be plenty to get the look I want.
I got this narrower pointy edge lace in case I needed a bit more for anything...
I'm probably not going for quite as much lace as the original... Haven't thpught it through yet. I know I won't be be hand sewing it all. What I want to do is machine make this, and cost it in terms of hours and materials. That way I'll know if this is something we need to keep as a bespoke item, or something we can offer as a more off the peg thing... Either way, it'll be a fun item to make and a great shirt/shift/THING to wear under my Mock Kirtle!
This is currently mostly displacement activity. Thinking about this is easier than worrying about the GMNT'.
I shall post more when LJ is behaving better and allowing me to put together a short post like this in less than 12 hours!