Oct 08, 2006 01:36
So it's been 25 days now and I am still trapped in this hospital. As each day goes by, i sink lower and lower and I can't seem to pull myself up. there are days I wont get out of bed, i just curl up in the blankets and cry. i don't know how much more of this i can take. No one around here will even talk about how long they will wait before giving up, as each week passes, they keep saying one more, so am I stuck here forever then? I wish someone would make a decison one way or another, this is getting so tiring and I just want to go home to my own bed, my own things, my pony and all the friends that I'm going to need to get through the next few months, be them good or bad. One doctor seems somewhat hopeful that now that they have 100% found some rejection in the kidney, that once they treat that over the weekend, things will be a okay! However the concern still remails about the lack of blood flow I had for a big chunck of time, but I'm trying to focus on the other doctor, who has me going home next week if all goes well.
Thanks to Mrs. Evans and the loan of her brand new, very nice laptop to me, I will have internet access until Tuesday, at which point she will need to reclaim it and return to work, but thats alright, I get a couple of days to connect to the rest of the world atleast.
I miss you all so much
Things are not easy at the moment for me, so please remember to keep yourself happy, don't gripe about the little stuff that just doesn't matter, enjoy life and enjoy the freeedom and privileges you have, not all of us are so lucky.
Talk to you all soon