For tigerkat24: The Other Son

Nov 13, 2008 00:27

Title: The Other Son
Fandom: bookverse
Characters: Thomas, Harry, Justine, Susan, and an unexpected guest or two
Recipient: tigerkat24
Prompt: Thomas on Harry. Let's see his POV on his baby brother. I don't want slash of any sort, just brotherly shenanigans.
Word Count: 4,846
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Thomas Raith has a brother.
Spoilers: Up through Blood Rites
Disclaimer: Thomas, Harry, and all other assorted characters and concepts belong to Jim Butcher. He's a smart one, he is.

Link: Read it at The Archive!

character: justine, character: susan rodriguez, recipient: tigerkat24, author: priscellie, canon: book, 2008 ficathon [fall], rating: pg-13, character: harry dresden, character: thomas raith

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