For elvinborn: A Culinary Disaster (Harry/Murphy, PG)

May 31, 2008 19:02

Title: A Culinary Disaster
Pairing: Harry/Murphy
TV or book: TV
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Brief mention of "What About Bob?"
Recipient: elvinborn
Word count: 9,876
Summary: Naturally, their first date doesn't go exactly as planned.

Author's notes: The request was "Attempt at a real date goes completely wrong. There should be flirting, banter, irritation, and hand holding." I think I got all of those in there! :) Sorry this is late! HUGE thanks to my beta, awanderingbard!

( A Culinary Disaster )

2008 ficathon [spring], pairing: harry dresden/connie murphy, recipient: elvinborn, character: connie murphy, rating: pg, canon: television, character: harry dresden, author: joyfulfeather

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