For Beachkid: The Affairs of Wizards (Harry/Marcone, Hard R)

May 18, 2008 22:24

Title: The Affairs of Wizards
Author: gehayi
Bookverse or TV-verse?: Bookverse
Characters:Harry Dresden, John Marcone, Bob the Skull, Amanda, Rosanna, Nicodemus, Deirdre, Akariel, Tarsiel, "Shaggy Feathers," canonically unnamed Denarians, Frank Hendricks; mention of Molly Carpenter, Michael Carpenter, Ms. Gard, Karrin Murphy and Captain Luccio. (And a thousand elephants!)
Pairings: Harry/Marcone; passing mention of Harry/Susan Rodriguez, Harry/Elaine and Harry/Luccio
Recipient: beachkid.
Assignment: Harry/Marcone.
Word Count: 27,472.
Rating: Hard R.
Spoilers: There are references to almost every book here. There are dozens of spoilers for Small Favor-not too surprising, as this is directly related to Small Favor's plot. There are also spoilers for White Night, Proven Guilty, Dead Beat, Blood Rites, Death Masks, Summer Knight, Fool Moon, Storm Front and the short story "It's My Birthday, Too." (I'm not sure why there aren't any spoilers for Grave Peril.)
Disclaimer: I most emphatically do not own The Dresden Files. They belong to Jim Butcher and ROC Books. No profit is being made and no copyright or trademark infringed upon.
Summary: Post-Small Favor. A desperate John Marcone has a case that only Harry Dresden can solve, and Harry can't, in good conscience, refuse.
Notes: Thanks go to shiplizard, ja_bucc and erastes, my betas and my friends. Thank you all a hundred thousand times. And thank you, shiplizard, for suggesting the core situation.


This is rather longer than your average fic. It turned into a novella. And LJ won't allow me to post it in its entirety, so I had to split it up and put it elsewhere. I'm sorry.

The Affairs of Wizards

2008 ficathon [spring], character: hendricks, author: gehayi, character: bob the skull, recipient: beachkid, character: nicodemus, character: rosanna, canon: book, rating: r, character: harry dresden, character: john marcone

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