i must be emooooo.....

Oct 23, 2005 14:14

Ya know, this is the coolest song ever!

it's funny that i'm making fun of emo people in a live journal. How cool is that.


Gotta love it.....

My insanely stupid emo name is kill my paranoia because you hate me.
Take The "If Your Name Was An Emo Song... Generator Thingy" today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.


This song makes me so happy and its good bcause i am having the worste day ever. I can't go to the Dresden Dolls concert which pisses the hell out of me!! Plus my mom is getting rid of my kitties and now chris can't come over and grrr.....

i really do feel emo today...haha, i love myself.
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