Hello and welcome to "Dresden Stills". This icontest community is based on the SciFi Channel's new TV show The Dresden Files.
You will see a few more entries going up after this one and then I will post Challenge 1.
As soon as there are 10 icons submitted to Challenge 1 voting will be posted. After that I will post a new challenge every week once voting for the first challenge is over.
Since we're dealing with a new TV show my options for images are going to be limited (Promo pictures and screencaps) and possibly spoilery. I will always note which episode the images come from. This way people can avoid the possiblity of being spoiled.
If anyone knows where I can find Hi-Def images of the actors in or out of their roles on "The Dresden Files" please let me know in a comment to this post. No images from other roles they have played. Talk show appearances are fine. (I'm familiar with the sources on LiveJournal for screencaps and hi-res photos and the Sci Fi Channel web site. I'm hoping some people know of web sites online, somewhere, hidden, that I don't know about, where I can find photos. Like fan web sites or something. Link me up.)
It is important that you review the
User Info to familiarize yourself with the community rules and to view other information. Please don't let my spoiler warning in the user info scare you. I just want to make sure that people who like to remain pristine, as far as spoilers go, don't inadvertantly see something they don't want to see.
I am hoping "The Dresden Files" takes off and becomes a popular series. I was intrigued when I first heard about the show. Then I found out that it's based on a series of books and of course I had to start reading those. I am currently reading the third book in the series. I have a lot of catching up to do and it's fun!
If you have a question or just want to say hello please feel free to make a comment to this entry.
Thanks for joining