Picspammy Challenge #4 (02)

Nov 03, 2008 15:47

I said I was gonna do it and having a lousy day today really helped.

Here it is boys and girls. Picspam #2 for the picspammy challenge.

S3 finale of Bones with commentaries! Yay!
Enjoy =]

Previously on Bones:
Booth got shot. Fans are extremely worried if he's gonna survive, because it's not like Boreanaz is a main actor on this show and a producer and Hart Hanson's man crush.

Turns out he's apparently dead. Brennan is in denial (and so are the 10 viewers who are actually buying this storyline), everybody is kinda down, Angela cried for days... and damn, she's gotta tell me what make up she uses because when I cry for longer periods of time, I look like shit. You know, puffy red eyes and all that.

His son is not at the funeral. Nor the kid's mom. Nor his siblings and parents and other family and friends... But of course we're still buying him being dead. Yep. Totally.

That's why that scene comes off as a major shock! OMG! He's not really dead! Wow! I did not see that coming...

One fake funeral/lame explanation/ethic fail/Booth's bruised jaw/viewers' bruised intelligence later we're back at the lab.
And lookie! Brennan got a box sent! What can it be?

a. Goodman's head
b. Cullen's head
c. Sid's head
d. idiot, it's too small for a head. Maybe their hearts?
e. a nice harmless gift! WTF is wrong with you?!

Turns out it was f. none of the above... A jaw. Meh. But you'd think they'd have a better security system after that one time a serial killer sent Angela a human heart.

Once upon a time I was a tortured ex-sniper with emotional baggage, but it turned out that the viewers associated my angsting with that other show that shall never ever be mentioned again. So now I'm a regular goof. Which is a perfect reason for this scene to be included in the final cut of the episode. Seriously. It's not like fans care about other characters anyway.

And OMG Brennan saw Booth's PENISSSSS!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!
Erm... I'm sorry, but exactly why are we supposed to freak out here? Ooooh! Right! I forgot it was written for 14 year old fangirls.

Jack and Zack are making one of their experiments and it's literally explosive. Zack's injured and damn, it looks painful. They all gather around his hospital bed and the viewers go awwww, because damn, it's a team scene and we hardly get those anymore. But hey, quite a twist with the explosion and all, amirite?

Sweets decides it's Jack. You know, an apprentice to a serial killer. Because he's rich and paranoid and he's kind of a widower's son if you squint a bit. And hey, it's actually making sense. Seriously, it seems more logical than the real explanation. But it's not like logic has any special place in this storyline. No wait...
Anyway he does what any other professional profiler/psychologist/FBI employee would do. He shares his new idea with his clients - suspect's friends and co-workers. Duh!

Cam disagrees and comes up with a theory of her own. She thinks it's Sweets. Trust her, she was a cop. It actually does make sense and my Criminal Minds warped brain comes up already with a fascinating follow up storyline on how thin a line between an excellent profiler and a profilee can sometimes become, but then I remember that it's not Criminal Minds, that Sweets isn't an excellent profiler and that I actually don't give a shit about him at all.
And then we get a J/C scene and it's supposed to be all creepy, but I'm mostly focused on how sad Jack actually looks and how blue TJ's eyes are in this light.

Brennan does a little research and concludes that Zack lied. So he's the apprentice. Wow. That was kinda rushed, right? But hey, it's understandable with the writer's strike and an overwhelming need of having a major shocker for the end and Hanson's realization that there's nothing interesting to do with Zack anymore... no wait, actually these are just crappy excuses.

B/B confront Zack, he admits his guilt and yay it's a wrap! The scenes are actually really touching, which makes me even more annoyed with Hanson and the fact that he drastically underuses such great actors.

The team is crushed and needs to deal with what happened... but no worries, it won't last long. Who in their right mind would actually want to watch any fallouts, right?
We end the season with an obligatory B/B shot and we're off to the equal amazingness of S4. Are we lucky viewers or what?

Screencaps credit - Bones Online

I hated the first coloring I was using for these, so I changed it mid picspam. But considering the inconsistencies of this show, it's almost appropriate ;)
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