
Oct 25, 2008 23:19

So influenced by some of discussions from DOOB, I started writing this comparative analysis of current forensic/crime shows... but halfway through the second page I got bored with the subject and decided to add pics. You know, to make it more enjoyable. As you know it's a dangerous thing - I enjoy picspams way too much. Which is why at some point I said "screw it, I'm picspamming instead".

Yep, so no super witty entry on how Bones is a waste of airtime and how pretty much any other show is better than this one ;)

Since apparently a Reid picspam hasn't been done recently (or ever?), I decided to repair such injustice. Also it's my not so subtle way of pimping Criminal Minds to my dear friend Jess *evil laugh*
Plus you know, Reid is ♥

As usual, picspam is big and chronological, because I'm anal like that. No season 4, so no worries about spoilers.
Also each season has its color. For no other reason that I'm nuts I was trying to trace the character's evolution this way... No idea if I succeeded, but it was fun =)

For once, I don't feel like commenting, so basically I'm just posting pics for your enjoyment.

Orange is a power color. It stimulates enthusiasm and creativity. Curiosity is its driving characteristic, and with it comes exploration of new things.

My mom has the same problem with chopsticks! In the end she always asks for a fork.

Dark blue is the color of truth and moderation. It gives a feeling of distance, it allows us to look beyond and increase our perspective outward.

I had waaay more pics than this for season 2, but well... that'd be too much, right?

Green means learning, growth and harmony. Change and transformation are necessary for growth, and so this ability to sustain changes is also a part of the energy of green.

So I slightly cheated and included Damaged before Third Life, but the latter was too linked to the events of Elephant's Memory to leave it chronological.

I totally skipped end of S3, only because I wanted to focus on key episodes for this character.
I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Next year, I'll do a S4 picspam =)

The end.


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