Valentine's Day Picspam

Feb 14, 2006 16:05

Yep it's Valentine's Day... but thank gods it'll be over in 8 hours...
And since I really hate this pseudo holiday I decided to give you a very special picspam...

<( Call me a Valentine's Day Grinch... )


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nikascott February 14 2006, 18:50:01 UTC
True all this shit is a part of the TV shows but some scenes and situations are just killing us! Like right in the heart. They're crying, we're crying. They hurting, we hurt too.

LoVe break up #1 was just...she so...she shouldn't do it...not trusting him...doubting him...God, Veronica! Break up #2 was as painful as nr.1 And she did it coz...? Right. No one knew. Neither did she probabaly.

God, thinking about how much pain Veronica put Logan through, I love him even more.


dresden_doll_01 February 14 2006, 20:57:09 UTC
I think it's a natural part of being fan of a character. When you care about a character you get involved in whats happening to him (or her but mostly him in my case lol). Thus when they're hurting, we're hurting with them.
But suffering is a part of love which makes it even more excited and worth experiencing. No true love is easy right?

I could understand to a certain limit her decision in the first break up. Lack of trust is a big problem in a relationship.
But for the second one it was too far stretched IMO. I didn't get how she could say that he changed when it was pretty obvious that after what happened he would never be the same. So she should have know that when they got together. I just didn't get that part of her thinking process.


nikascott February 15 2006, 22:50:28 UTC
ITA - it is a natural part of being fan of a character and you can help it but feel for them all the way through. I so hate when somebody asks me why I care so much about those people on TV, they're just fictional characters not a real people. They're not even someone you'll ever meet. They so don't get it. I think it doesn't matter at all. You don't have to meet or see the real person to get connected. Look at us! We never met, we even don't know how the hell we look like. (btw, if we ever meet I promise I won't embarrase you, I'm a tall blond with big boobs and Miss Mazowsze 2004. Right. *rolling eyes* lol)

Anyway, I love my fandoms, I love my OTP's, I love my fav charaters and I'm proud


dresden_doll_01 February 15 2006, 23:02:29 UTC
lmao sorry but your IQ is too high to be a Miss ;)
I'll post some pics of me one day. Once I find a scanner or buy myself a digital camera...
ITA - people never get why I'm so wrapped up in my fandoms. It's a very harmless addiction that's all. Others drink or smoke, I watch TV. It could've been worse.


nikascott February 16 2006, 00:08:42 UTC
I'm a exception. First beauty peagent winner with IQ at the level of 150. lmao.

ITA - it could've been so much worse. Besides most of the ignorant people have never been into anything. You should be able and want to enjoy life to the fullest and watching movies, tv shows or listening to good music is a part of it. I don't get it why some think that those are very mundane things.


dresden_doll_01 February 16 2006, 00:20:42 UTC
lol Did you get a car as your prize? ;) French are totally crazy with their Miss France elections - seriously they watch it religiously every year. And it's so stiff and boring... They really don't know what's a good TV...

Ditto. Of course my obsession increased with internet ;)
I was always a TV fan, so it's not surprising that I continue at my adult age. I think that people who can't get into any fandom just lack imagination. It must be so sad not be able creating yourself a little universe of your own inside your head...


nikascott February 16 2006, 09:03:10 UTC
I so watched Miss Peagents when I was younger but I think it was one of the must watch programs, like figure skating competitions or Eurovision. When I grew up I understood how pointless and ridiculous this Miss thing was. Now we only laugh at this certain way of waving or "I want world peace' sentence. lol.

My brother for example used to laugh at my fandoms' obesssions and that I'm so into that TV stuff but when I asked him what he would call HIS MASSIVE obession of collecting comics he said it's totally dif thing coz they're more intelectual, like books almost and they bring something into your life. I won't even mention his opinion about romantic movies which he thinks are so lame and a good movie is a action one. So typical for his gender.


dresden_doll_01 February 16 2006, 18:58:05 UTC
I still watch Eurovision - it's one of the funniest programs out there lol The songs are usually bad, the clothes even worse and ever since there's no more jury the most horrific songs win which only show wonderful musical taste Europeans have...

Your bro is a comics geek? lol I could never get into comics. I read some Kajko i Kokosz and Tytus, Romek i Atomek but that was it... No wait I liked Szarlota Pawel and her Pioro vs Flamaster lol
My cousins gave my some Smurfs too but it was in French and back then I couldn't understand a word of it. Though I did have an ambitious plan to read it with a dictionnary lol


nikascott February 16 2006, 20:20:13 UTC
I can not bring myself to watching the whole show now. Three hrs of techno/disco/oriental crap. Sometimes I watch the voting. But you are totally true, if anyone wants to spend a couple of hours laughing his ass of it an ideal show. You pobabaly know that The most amazing Polish band ever is gonna play there this year. I watched national competition and I was pissed that Ich Troje won but than I thought it's actually perfect! The song is exactly what Eurovision song should be about. Meaningless lyrics, disco/techno beat with addition of some Greek/Turkish/oriental beats. And don't forget exaggerated outfits. Ich Troje is so gonna win this year!

He is into comics massively and a special shelves have been built to store all his stuff by my dad. I was never into his hobby but I remember liking Kajko i Kokosz when I was younger. Old times.


dresden_doll_01 February 17 2006, 17:47:20 UTC
lmao that is so true - Eurovision's songs are shame to the music community lol I haven't heard the Ich Troje one yet - is it as bad as the one they already tried to win with? Oh and let's not forget their stylish clothes lol I remember when Piasek was "representing" us and the guys on French TV were mocking his "clothes" the whole song (they said it looked like a dead dog lmao) and it became a diplomatic incident since the Embassy wanted them to get removed from the station afterwards. Not for the dead dog comment. For the fact that they talked through the song.

I used to collect stamps and shells... And postcards... And orange t-shirts lol


nikascott February 18 2006, 21:31:10 UTC
Well the first time they were on Eurovision they went with regular Ich Troje crap but this time the band has more lead singers and a white kind of Swedish type of guy who raps. Terrible. The song itself is perfect for the Eurovision. I think we have good chance to host it in PL next year. lol.

Did you know that NBC is planning to tranform this contest onto American ground and have all the states compete against eachother? For a change America wants someting from Europe and they had to take this crap. lol.

ETA: I see some new colors and some pretty header. Me likes it. :D


dresden_doll_01 February 18 2006, 21:59:46 UTC
They want Eurovision??? How will they call it - Statevision? Geez from all of europeans treasures and traditions they had to take this one... Though I'm not entirely surprised ;)

They're gonna rap now??? Oh dear lord... Now that I have to see. Anyway it's always a dance-oriental-weirdo mix that wins or a sappy love song.

Yeah I had this impulse on changing the layout but of course I overestimated my talents and now I'm stuck with these psychodelic oranges everywhere lol I'll try to fix it so that I don't get a headache everytime I open my lj, but not today - I'm too disappointed of my graphic abilities for a moment lol


nikascott February 19 2006, 17:10:41 UTC
I think I saw a Amerivison name somewhere. lol.

Yup! There's gonna be some Vanilla Ice type of rap there. Here, I HAD to show you those rap lyrics:

espera - I need to talk to you
me cema - girl you know it´s true
candela - you´re the one for me
your love made me a believer !
quisiera - another night of love
entera - I wanna have it all
candela - so come and get your love
ven toma mi gazolina

lmao, lmao, lmao, lmao, lmao, lmao


dresden_doll_01 February 19 2006, 17:35:15 UTC
Again... OMFG! They seriously gonna sing or rap or whatever this??? Now I really think we have a chance to host it next year lmao
Even Vanilla Ice was better. I mean hello - it was so deep the whole ice ice baby, vanilllllaaaaa lmao

Amerivision????? Again with OMFG lol I can't wait to see what TX will come up with mwhahaha
*checks if any of her flist is texan* lol


nikascott February 19 2006, 18:58:48 UTC
Plus the rapper looks like he's in his late 30'ies. lol. And the way he's rapping it so - DJ Boboesue. lmao.

Speaking of music contests, yesterday I stumbled upon some German Idol show and OMFG. There were only 5 ppl left and the best of them was someone Kuba Wojewodzki would cut at the very, very beginning and I would totally agree with him if he did. So not talented people over there, I tell ya. And the judges were actually compementing some of them. God, I though Dieter Bohlen was more demending. All the guys want to be next Justin's and teh girls next Britney's or Alicia's. Pathetic.


dresden_doll_01 February 19 2006, 19:22:59 UTC
DJ Bobo! What's up with him these days? lol
When exactly is Eurovision? I have to mark it in my agenda lol

That's because we don't get artists anymore but low quality products in Britney style easy to sell half price. Though the worse I've ever heard is this French pseudo singer called Lorie. Seriously you should check her out, it can't get worse than that. And the lyrics... Oh god...


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