(no subject)

Jul 05, 2006 15:04

I promised this picspam to the QaF board a very long time ago... I don't remember the exact excuse I used to not do it earlier so let's just skip the "sorry for taking so long" part and enjoy ;)
Again it's not dial-up friendly... Sorry!

Yep oral!picspam aka tongue, lipbites and other goodies that Gale is frequently manifesting :D
And I tried to avoid fangirlish comments post constructive comments but... well... it didn't work ;)

Credits - mostly KWAF, GO and me.

Right from the beginning :D


106 was one good episode... We had lipbite...

... and some tongue...

and some more tongue!

*dies again*

naked!Gale+ice cream=OTP!

You know you're a fangirl when you start to wish you were an inanimate object...

"It's French. We're frenching"

A tongue and touching his crotch... Cold shower anyone? ;)

awww the cuteness :D



the hottest kiss EVER!

The reunion! Squeeeee!

*is officially dead*


awwwww such an adorable scene!

And some random Gale's lipbites, tongue pics:

erm Gale... Randy's on your left ;)


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