April Response: dramaticmuses

May 12, 2007 16:32

Title: Will You Pay Me?
Prompt Number/Prompt: 008. Sick
Character/Fandom: Eric Foreman // House, MD
Word Count: 630
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): N/A
Summary: Foreman meets an interesting clinic patient.

“Hello, my name is Doctor Foreman,” he sighed as he walked into the clinic room, shutting the door behind him. The girl was sitting on the exam table, kicking her legs a she sat there, watching her as he pulled up a chair and sat down in front of her, “What can I do for you today?”

“What’s your first name?” she asked, tilting her head slightly to look at him. Foreman looked up at her, slightly confused.

“Is it crucial to your diagnosis that you know my first name?”

“Not really,” she sighed, shaking her head, “But it helps me feel more comfortable with my physician-puts us both on the same level, and I’m more likely to practice full self-disclosure and really help you properly diagnose me.”

Foreman looked at her for a minute before nodding, “Al-right. It’s Eric.”

“Eric. I like that. Can I call you Eric?”

“No,” Foreman replied quickly, “I prefer Doctor Foreman.”

“Ah, I see,” she nodded, “You’re too used to hearing Doctor Foreman this, Doctor Foreman that, you think you might miss it when I’m trying to get your attention, I gotcha.” She glanced up at the ceiling for a minute, “Eric Foreman.” Suddenly her face lit up in amusement. “Oh my God, just like the guy from ‘That 70s Show!’”

“What?” Foreman frowned.

“‘That 70s Show!’” she grinned, “It was this show on FOX-well, it was on FOX, it just ended this year-and it was about these kids who were living in the seventies, and the lead character was this guy named-”

“Eric Foreman,” Foreman finished for her, “I know. I’ve seen the show before.”

“Then why’d you ask-”

“Because no one’s ever made that connection and actually said something before.”


“Now, can we get to your symptoms?”

“Right. I’m sick,” she said, “Umm-well-I’m sick.”

“Just-you’re sick?” Foreman said, staring at her.

“Yup,” she nodded.

“Is there anything specific that draws you to that conclusion?” Foreman sighed, “Scratchy throat, congested sinuses, headaches?”

“Nope,” she shook her head.

“Then why do you think you’re sick?”

“I dunno,” she sighed, “I’ve just been feeling-bleh.”

“And because of that, you think you’re sick?”


Foreman rubbed his eyes before putting down the file and crossing his arms in front of his chest, “Did someone put you up to this? Was it House?”


“Did someone ask you to waste my time?” Foreman replied.

“Yeah,” she nodded.

“Why’d you do it?”

“Hey, it was twenty bucks.”

Foreman shook his head, “Who was it? Tall guy, kinda scruffy, walks with a cane?”

She frowned then shook her head, “Nah, it was a short chick-well, not short short, but shorter than you-long brown hair, glasses-pretty.”

Cameron? Foreman shook his head before getting up, “Sorry you wasted your time.”

“Didn’t waste it, dude,” she replied, “Twenty bucks, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember,” he replied, shaking his head before leaving the room. She sat there for a minute, still kicking her heels on the table, when another man hobbled into her room, and gave her a grin.

“Putting the blame on Cameron-nice.”

“I just picked some random doctor I saw when I came in,” she shrugged before extending her hand, “Besides, you’re the one who’s going to have to deal with the accusations and the arguing.”

“Damnit,” he frowned, ignoring the hand, “I knew there was a downside to that.”

“Pay up.”

“Isn’t knowing you annoyed someone enough of a reward?” he said, giving her a pitiful look.

“Sure-doesn’t buy me lunch though,” she said, wiggling her fingers slightly.

“Fine,” he sighed, placing the twenty in her hand, “If I need you to bug other doctors, will you do it?”

“Will you pay me?” she said, giving him a smirk.

[community] dramaticmuses

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