Freedom to the Free 21/21

Feb 18, 2010 19:11

Title: Freedom to the Free
Summary: To protect River, Kaylee, Wash and himself after they are abducted and sold into slavery, Simon is forced to make some difficult choices while hoping for rescue. Will he be able to keep them safe? And at what cost?
Rating: M
Characters: All
Pairing: Simon/OFC, (hints at future Simon/Kaylee)
Warning: Non-con (mostly off "screen") directed toward Simon by OFC, also some violence and adult themes.
Genre: Angst
Setting: This story can be seen either as taking place pre-BDM, or as going AU after the final episode. However, if I write the sequel that I hope to, then it will be considered AU.
Disclaimer:  Neither “Firefly” nor any of its characters belong to me, unfortunately. As everyone knows, the honors go to Joss Whedon.
Author's note: Previously posted on  Any mistakes in Chinese translation are mine alone. I would like to hugely thank the wonderful and patient Annuette wild for being the best beta one could hope for!

Later, Zoe opened the door for Mal as he stopped by to check on Wash. "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better now that we're back." Wash answered as Zoe, smiling, went over and sat down beside him on the bed.

Mal looked at him appraisingly. "You do look better than you did a couple of hours ago."

"Zoe helped me get cleaned up, and then Simon came by and got me bandaged back up. He wanted to give me something for the pain, makes me sleepy and I didn't want to miss being home." Wash paused as though thinking.

Mal looked at him. "How are you doing, Wash? Really?"

Wash took Zoe's hand as he answered Mal. "I'll heal. It's Simon I'm worried about. Seriously Mal, what he went through... Even Kaylee and I don't know everything, but we know more than he thinks we do. He was isolated from the others more than we were, and people talk. And the nights he was...brought back late...he doesn't know how Kaylee worried. And River...I think she knows everything that happened, though he's never said what happened to him, and I think she even felt some of it. We never said anything to Simon; he had enough to worry about. I wasn't lying when I said he protected us.'

"Mal I'm asking you this favor; please take it easy on him and don't give him a hard time about the girl."

"Wasn't plannin' on it. She's a child and deserves a chance if we can give it to her. And, she helped take care of my crew, so I figure I owe her anyway. I owe all of you. I left you out in the middle of nowhere unprotected and surrounded by slavers. It's my fault any of this happened in the first place."

"It's not your fault, Mal. You couldn't know."

"Yes, Wash. I could have. If I had bothered to check."

"Mal,” Zoe spoke up, "there is no way you can know everything about every world we land on."

"Maybe not, but I could have learned enough. I'm the Captain, Zoe, and this ain't the first time a world's laws caused us problems. Saffron for one, duels for another. Not to mention this is the second time the Doc’s got snatched because he’s a doctor, and not because the Alliance is after him. How’s that taking care of my crew?"

"Oh, come on Mal!" Wash shook his head in disbelief. "You can't blame yourself. And what about Saffron, or whatever name she wants to call herself? Why would you even expect to need to know the planet's wedding customs? On the off-chance you were ambushed by a crazy bride?"

"Maybe. But, I owe it to my crew to be more careful. We almost didn't get you back. Anyway, get some rest."


That night Zoe, Wash, Mal, Jayne, and Kaylee were all awakened by a pounding and River's screaming. They all, save Wash who Zoe ordered to stay in bed, rushed out into the corridor where they were met by a hysterical River. "Simon! Won't wake up! Door won't open! Can't get in!" Having made her pronouncement, she rushed back toward the passenger quarters, the others chasing after.

When they reached Simon's quarters, they found Shepherd Book already at Simon's door, trying to get it opened while simultaneously calling Simon's name. They also heard Simon's screams.

River pressed back against the wall opposite the door, hands over ears whispering incoherently and rocking slightly.

"Jayne, get that door open." Mal shouted.

The Shepherd stepped aside to allow Jayne room. Jayne aimed his gun at the lock and fired, and then he took the handle, and with a pop forced the door open. Simon still did not awaken.

As soon as the door opened, River and Kaylee rushed through. River grabbed her brother and shook him. When he still didn't wake, she slapped him with the back of her hand and finally he awoke. Panting heavily, he scrambled backwards eyes wide. "River! River, where's Kaylee?"

"I'm here, Simon." Kaylee answered, moving closer.

"Wash?" Simon looked around, panicked, still not quite seeing.

"He's in his room, Simon. We're back on Serenity; it's ok. We're ok." Kaylee crawled onto the bed and pulled him into a hug. She looked back at the others who were hovering in the doorway and repeated, "We're ok."

Mal turned to the others. "Ok everybody, it's over. Let's head back to bed."

River looked at Kaylee and Simon, then patting her brother's arm; she made a decision and left with the others. As she passed Mal she paused, then looking up at him said, "We're both of us broken now."

Then without another word, she walked across the hall into her own room.


The next morning Simon woke with Kaylee's arms still around him. Feeling Simon shift in her arms, Kaylee woke up.

"Good morning." She smiled at him.

"Good morning. You stayed here all night."


Simon struggled with what to say before finally settling on, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. How 'bout we go eat breakfast?"

Simon pulled away from her slightly. "I...I don't know, Kaylee. After last night...I don't think I..."

"Simon, it's ok. Everybody understands. Now come on. You gotta eat."

Simon finally let Kaylee coax him to the dining area. When they got there they found everyone except Wash, Inara, and Abigail, already there. Simon held back in the doorway momentarily, until he realized everyone was studiously focused on pretending not to notice him. Kaylee took his hand and drew him into the room and they began to get their breakfasts together.

After sitting at the table for a moment, Simon took a breath and spoke, "About last night, I want to apologize for disturbing everyone."

Jayne, eating from his bowl with his fingers, glanced nervously at River then answered Simon. "Ain't nothin' to apologize for. Ain't a one here that don't got some reason for nightmares."

Simon looked at him, half-suspiciously. "Thank you, Jayne. That's very...unnatural...for you."

Jayne shrugged in answer.

River came over and sat in the other chair beside her brother. Gingerly she touched her finger to his cheek. "I gave you a bruise."

"That's ok, now it matches the other side." He smiled slightly.

She crossed her arms angrily. "That is not funny."

"No, you're right, it's not.” He glanced down. “River, I am very sorry I scared you last night."

"You were lost in the dark. It happens." She shrugged.

"I guess it does." He stroked her hair.

"Good morning, everyone." They all looked up as Inara entered, her arm around Abigail, guiding the girl into the room.

"Hello, Abigail." Simon said. "Would you like something to eat?"

She nodded shyly.

"Well then," Inara said, "Let's see what we have."

After Inara had fixed herself and Abigail a plate, they joined the others at the table. "Abigail and I have been talking, and I think we have a solution for her. She deserves an education, and she would like, someday, to become a doctor."

At those words, Abigail smiled bashfully at Simon.

"I think," Inara continued, "That we can get her started by taking her to the Guild House."

"Whoa," Mal held up a hand, "I thought they only trained Companions. The girl wants to be a doctor."

"I said we would start there, Mal. As you are well aware we, as Companions, have many connections and resources. We can get her set up with an education, and when she is ready, get her into medical school."

"What do you think, Abigail?" Mal asked.

Abigail looked at him, then Inara, then Simon. "I wanna be a doctor, but I've never had no real schoolin'. I don't know if I can do it."

"You can do it." Simon told her.

"Well," Mal said, standing up from the table, "now we know our next stop."


When they got close to the planet, it was decided that Inara would take Abigail down to the Guild House on her shuttle, so all good-byes were said on the ship. Wash and Kaylee went first, wishing her well. And River, hanging back, gave her a slight wave. When Simon drew her into a hug, she began to cry. "I wish Mama was here."

"Me too. You are going to be a great doctor, Abigail."

She looked up at him as he still hugged her. "Thank you."

"Thank you, Abigail. I wouldn't have made it through without you."


"Really." He kissed her on the top of her head then held her back at arm's length and smiled. "Once you get settled I want you to write." He handed her a piece of paper with the address where they were currently getting their mail.

"Just remember to address your letters to Inara. There are other people besides Carsey that are looking for River and myself, and I don't want them to find you either."

She looked solemnly up at him. "I promise."

He pulled her back into a hug, squeezing her tightly, before turning her over to Inara. "Good luck, Abigail."

She waved at him as she entered the shuttle. Kaylee came up to Simon and put her arm around him, resting her chin on his arm. "She'll be fine."

"I know."

"That's a good thing you did." She looked up at him.

"Maybe, but it won't make up for the other things I've done." He answered as he still looked after Abigail.

Kaylee knew that he wouldn't listen to reason, to the fact that nothing that had happened had been his fault. So instead, she just held him tighter, giving what comfort she could, as they turned away.

firefly simon

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