Freedom to the Free 16/21

Feb 18, 2010 19:06

Title: Freedom to the Free
Summary: To protect River, Kaylee, Wash and himself after they are abducted and sold into slavery, Simon is forced to make some difficult choices while hoping for rescue. Will he be able to keep them safe? And at what cost?
Rating: M
Characters: All
Pairing: Simon/OFC, (hints at future Simon/Kaylee)
Warning: Non-con (mostly off "screen") directed toward Simon by OFC, also some violence and adult themes.
Genre: Angst
Setting: This story can be seen either as taking place pre-BDM, or as going AU after the final episode. However, if I write the sequel that I hope to, then it will be considered AU.
Disclaimer:  Neither “Firefly” nor any of its characters belong to me, unfortunately. As everyone knows, the honors go to Joss Whedon.
Author's note: Previously posted on  Any mistakes in Chinese translation are mine alone. I would like to hugely thank the wonderful and patient Annuette wild for being the best beta one could hope for!
Several hours later, Inara was back on Serenity seated with the others around the table. "That place is a fortress. It is completely self-contained with high security. During the day they are separated and at night they are locked in on the third floor.  She's put these electronic bands on their ankles that will prevent them from leaving the compound, but Simon says Kaylee thinks she can get them off. But Mal, I figure that she knows that Simon told me all of this, so I don't know if knowing any of this will do us any good."

"No," Mal said, "she's arrogant and she thinks she's untouchable. That's the only reason she let you in in the first place, knowin' who you are. She's playin' with us. She doesn't see us as a threat.”

"Inara," Zoe asked, "how are they?"

Inara turned to her. "I think they are okay, for now. But they have been hurt."

"Hurt? Hurt how?" Zoe's hand automatically went to the gun at her hip.

"Zoe, Simon said Wash was beaten.” Before Zoe could react, she quickly added, “He's healing and Simon says he will be fine."

"What about the others?" Book asked.

"I don't know." Inara said. "Simon has bruises and marks on his face, but otherwise seemed alright physically. He said Kaylee and River are okay. Kaylee is sent to work outside the house during the day, as Wash was before the beating, and River is kept locked in the room.’

"Mal," Inara looked at him, "we have got to get them out. That woman is dangerous."

"Yeah. Well, so are we."

"Yeah." Jayne said, dryly. "We're a big threat. The five of us against a fortress full of people, controlled by a woman nobody 'round here'll go up against.

"Exactly." Mal grinned.


That night after supper in the dining hall, Buckey replaced the bridle and brought Simon back to Carsey. She left him standing while she took the familiar position of leaning back against the desk.

"It must be galling, seeing escape so close and not be able to touch it. You must be starting to figure out this is your life now, so you need to settle on in and let the past go. You won't be leaving here." She pushed away from the desk and stood just inches away from him.

"This," she said, running a finger along one of the bands encasing his head as he jerked away, "must also gall. Not being able smart off, losing your only power, and knowing tonight you'll return to your room, unable to tell the others the Companion was here. But," she stepped back, "you're a smart boy, I'm sure you'll figure out another way to let them know."

"Now these," she said taking his hands and pulling him toward the bed, "have extra work to make up for the handicap."

firefly simon

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