Freedom to the Free 6/21

Feb 18, 2010 18:43

Title: Freedom to the Free
Summary: To protect River, Kaylee, Wash and himself after they are abducted and sold into slavery, Simon is forced to make some difficult choices while hoping for rescue. Will he be able to keep them safe? And at what cost?
Rating: M
Characters: All
Pairing: Simon/OFC, (hints at future Simon/Kaylee)
Warning: Non-con (mostly off "screen") directed toward Simon by OFC, also some violence and adult themes.
Genre: Angst
Setting: This story can be seen either as taking place pre-BDM, or as going AU after the final episode. However, if I write the sequel that I hope to, then it will be considered AU.
Disclaimer:  Neither “Firefly” nor any of its characters belong to me, unfortunately. As everyone knows, the honors go to Joss Whedon.
Author's note: Previously posted on  Any mistakes in Chinese translation are mine alone. I would like to hugely thank the wonderful and patient Annuette wild for being the best beta one could hope for!

It was still dark outside when the lights came back up. None of them had been able to sleep through the night.

Not long after the lights came up, the door unlocked and Bucky and Frank stood on the other side. Bucky had a plate of food, and as he entered the room he sat it next to River on the bedrolls. “Okay, everybody but her, it’s time to get goin’.”

As they stood up and started to leave, Kaylee and Wash stopped as they looked back at Simon who stood next to River looking down at her pensively. Then at Bucky’s barked order to hurry up, he hesitantly turned and passed through the doorway with the others into the hallway. At the end of the hall they turned toward the dining room.

After breakfast, they were led their separate ways. Kaylee and Wash back outside toward the machine shop and out buildings, Simon went back to the clinic.

When Bucky led him through the door Simon was mildly startled to find a young girl of about thirteen or fourteen standing in the middle of the room; with brown pigtails and wearing coveralls, much like Kaylee’s. He assumed she was to be his first patient, until she spoke up.

“I’m Abigail.”

Simon looked back at Bucky in disbelief, remembering the name Carsey had spoken the night before. “She’s my assistant? She is a child.”

Bucky shrugged slightly. “Doc, there ain’t no children here.” Then he left closing the door behind him.

Abigail walked over to Simon, the top of her head barely coming to his shoulder and looking up at him said, “Whatcha want me to do first?”

Simon, still off guard, stared down at her. “I have no idea...”

Abigail went back over to where the exam table stood. “Well,” She said, picking up the list from last night, “Bucky said he’d be sendin’ you some patients startin’ with this one on top.” She brought the list over to him. “That’ll be Charlie that’s comin’ first. She’s had a bad rattlin’ cough for a while now. Is there anything you want me to get ready for when she gets here?”

Simon took the paper, Abigail’s efficiency starting to clear away his initial shock at her youth. After he looked it over he said, “Yes.”

Abigail smiled up at him.


The morning went quickly once the patients began to arrive. Between patients Simon would review the next person’s sheet and have Abigail get together any equipment or medications he thought he might be likely to need, teaching Abigail the name and uses of things as he went. Most of the patients they saw had minor conditions, although some had been made worse by lack of care. A few he sent back with medications or other treatments and a few more he sent back with notes to Bucky, telling him they shouldn’t be allowed to work until they had rested, or the condition cleared up. He had no idea if his recommendations would be followed or not.

At lunchtime a slightly round woman wearing a floral print dress, worn but clean, and a matching scarf on her head brought food to Simon and Abigail. He thought he recognized her from the serving line in the dining hall.

She set the tray of food down on a cleared off counter top. “My name’s Mable. I’ll usually be the one bringing lunch, but now and then it might be one of the others. When you’re done, just sit the tray outside the door and someone’ll pick it up.”

Simon looked at her, “Thank you, Mabel.”

She smiled at him. “You’re welcome. That’n there,” She nodded her head toward Abigail, “She doin’ good by you?”

“She is. She truly is.”

Abigail beamed.

“Well, I best get back to work.” She nodded once again, and then went out the door.

They had just finished eating when the door opened again. Simon looked up expecting to see another patient, instead it was Carsey. She looked around the room, then at Simon. “I came by to see how it’s goin’ and to get that list of things you need, like I said.”

Simon looked at her for a moment before answering, “Of course.”

Still caught off-guard by her arrival, Simon turned to look for the list he had compiled the day before. He turned to the counter where he and Abigail had spread out the sheets they had created that morning for the patients they had seen. As he was digging through them, looking for the misplaced list, he felt her come up behind him. She pressed her body against his back and placed a hand on the counter on each side of him.

“I thought you said you had it ready.” Her breath crawled across the back of his neck.

“I did. I do.” His hands moved faster through the papers, searching, as she pressed her weight against him, pushing his stomach and knees into the counter.

“This it?” Abigail appeared in his peripheral vision. She held up a paper that, thankfully, was the missing list.

“Yes.” He sighed in relief. He felt Carsey’s weight lift off him as she stepped away and took the list from Abigail.

She looked the list over. “I’ll see what I can do about getting these. Let me know when you start running low on anything else.”

He nodded and watched her turn and walk out of the door, list in hand.

“You alright, Doc? You look kinda’ funny.”

Simon turned and looked at Abigail’s concerned face. “No, I’m fine.” He gave her a slight smile. “Thank you for finding the list.”

“You’re welcome.” She answered, but Simon barely heard her. He still looked at the now closed door.

firefly simon

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