Oct 20, 2008 13:27
Seriously, it seems every Monday I wake up tired and unfocused, usually with some sort of physical issue that I want to be all hypochondrical about. Today it's a stuffy head and general exhaustion, which is somewhat ridiculous. I went to bed around 2:30 and was up at 7:30 to do my two hour (okay, in this case more of an hour and a half) Monday morning shift. I then promptly fell back asleep until eleven, at which point I woke up and got ready for work, making into the office fifteen minutes late. I'm still tired and feel all disconnected and am generally out of sorts. Which is ridiculous, as I'm not at all sick. By the end of the week, I'll be fine and during the weekend itself I'll have no issues at all.
As I said, I think I'm just allergic to Mondays.
So I watched "Forgetting Sarah Marshell" with the Weasley this Friday and wasn't as bored by the movie as I'd suspected I'd be. It helped that I took one look at the brunette girl and knew they'd be hooking up. I also appreciated the random male nudity. There's random female nudity all the time, so it was a nice effort, imho, to balance things out. I also made Shepherd's Pie for us last night, which turned out tastier than I'd expected. A bit damper than expected as well, as I lacked the usual sauce for the meat and tried to come up with an alternative (didn't work out as hoped) but it tasted fairly good.
To go with, I also tried my hand at making dulce de leche, which is extremely tasty, I've discovered, but is so damned sweet that a single spoonful of it is enough to last me for a week. My Argentinian coworker swears up and down that this stuff can be eaten straight up and many of the recipes I saw also had people proclaiming how they'd had to make second batches when using it as icing or filling, because they'd eaten the first by itself, but I don't see it. That stuff is just overly sweet. On crepes, I can't help but to think, it would be divine. Or on ice cream. Or any other number of items. By itself though? Urgh. No. Not happening.
(I mixed a bit with SwissMiss Pepper Up hot chocolate this morning - Pepper Up hot chocolate being my new replacement for coffee, seeing as I can't drink an entire pot by myself anymore and my coffee maker really is a piece of crap - and that was pretty good. It's how the majority of what I made will probably be used up, seeing as I don't have any vanilla ice cream nor the ability to make crepes. More's the pity - crepes are bloody awesome.)
In additional news, it seems that I'll not get to go to a haunted house this year. Damned shame, I tell you; I love haunted houses. The reason is for this is that there is only one weekend left before Halloween and I don't want to deal with the crowds. Halloween is probably my favorite holiday, but I don't really celebrate it over much anymore. I've no idea what I'll be doing for it this year. I'm sure my stepmother would appreciate it if I came over to help the kids go trick or treating but frankly that has little appeal for me. I'll be going to a BYoP party next weekend that I'm looking forwards to (also because it's being hosted by my old roommate - the cool one - and my deposit check from the old apartment was cut to both of us, so we both need to sign it in order to get our monies back), but that's the only sure plan I've got.
Frankly, I've had far too much attention put to school over the past few weeks to even consider it. I've had a major project or exam due each week for the past month, and I've one more this week to go. Nothing next week, but there's a major term project due the week after, so it's not that much of a break. Doesn't leave as much energy to get all into the holiday spirit.
At least two of the school projects are actually interesting. One is regarding the Great Mortality and it's effects on the Middle East (specifically Egypt in the 1300s) and the other is a presentation on a subsection of the Maqadimmah, a 14th century Arabian text written by this very snarky old historian who keeps ripping on his fellows and commenting on how they and their research methods all suck ass. There's a nifty sort of tie in between the two, as my subsection is specifically on magic and the uses and means of sorcery and my primary text on the Black Death has a full chapter devoted to the magics that people tried to use to ward off the plague. There's a lot of co-relation between them, specifically in terms of talismans and the Letters of God. These last being items inscribed with the letters that make up the various names of Allah, the divine names, which were thought to have certain powers to them. It's fascinating because it's taking talisman usage (which was considered sorcery and therefore evil, punishable by death) and giving it a divine twist. I just like seeing how folk rituals survived, personally. Well, and I've an interest in magic and have had so for years.
Anyway. That's been my life for the past few days. Nothing all that intriguing, I recognize, but it's been a busy few weeks. You'll have to forgive me it this once. If nothing else, it's Monday. You've got to give a girl some slack on Monday.
random updates,