Apr 19, 2007 14:51
This schedule of mine has messed me up. Used to be, back in the day, that I would get up around six or six thirty, work until five or six depending on the day, have classes then until around nine, and go home where I would goof off entirely study until eleven or so and then relax until close to one in the morning, at which point I would crash and crash hard, and sleep soundly until six or so the next morning.
Used to be. I used to be able to do this.
New schedule allows for more sleep. The new schedule has me at work at the earliest at eight, with a seven minute commute and therefore not having to get up until around seven or so on Mondays and Fridays, and considerably later on the other days of the week. Sleeping in until nine on a Thursday is bliss. Let me tell you.
The unfortunate thing about this is that I've gotten used to having so many hours of sleep a night. I've also unfortunately gotten used to the concept that I get to stay up until close to two. Or later. Sometimes four, when feeling particularly insomniatic. Thankfully that doesn't happen so much.
But there are the random days, such as today, when sleep did not beckon until what was it. Close to three, I think. Two-thirty anyway. And I woke up this morning at near six and was actually up by six thirty. Eeeevil time to be awake. And now it is three, with the world's longest weekend looming, and I am so sleepy as to want to fall over into my coffee.
This is not good. I need to get back to where five or six hours of sleep a night is perfectly sufficient, and failing five hours, four will do in a pinch. Because I'm getting sick of days like today.
(I recognize, of course, that you could just say "Why, my goodness, whyfore do you not simply go to bed earlier?" but I don't recommend it. Such unconstructive comments might result in biting and would certainly engender smackings. I like having my evenings free. It's the only free time I get in a day and I'm lazy. So there.)
So, on my three and a half hours of sleep (and roughly 24 oz of coffee), I get to do the following:
A. Miss gym tonight, dammit
B. Clean up my bedroom quickly to prepare it for my sister and niece's stay
C. Purchase a gift for my cousin's wedding
D. Drive to South Carolina
E. Go to my cousin's wedding
F. Write a term paper on Mama Lola, a Vodou Mambo on one of three topics, but likely will come down to a discussion of Haitian culture and the Great Western Culture as combining and being repelled by each other, in the form of Vodou iwa, notably, in my case, the three sisters of Lasyrin, Freda, and Bode (that's not her name, crap what was it), and Papa Ghede, because he's cool and I liked him in that one scene of American Gods. This paper, by the way, has not yet been started.
G. Drive home.
Also, if time allows, visiting with family members and completing extra credit assignments for Biblical Studies will be featured.
On the plus side, I found out that the Intro to Religion exam that I was certain, certain that I'd flunked miserably came back with a 90. Go me!
This is karma making up for the Biblical Studies exam that I was certain, certain that I'd received an A on getting a 74, I'm sure.
Also, have been oddly nostalgic for things lately. Old comfort movies and stories have had a tremendous appeal over the past couple of weeks. No clue why. Not complaining about it, just surprised.
Also also, it looks like classes in the fall will be exceedingly short as there, well, aren't many for my degrees that I feel like taking. I've been coming perilously close to thinking of dropping my French major and just keeping it as a minor. I really don't want to take another year and a half of French. I'm somewhat sick of French, and I can't help but to feel that the six years of it now that I've taken haven't done a whole hell of a lot of good. Between that and the needed MES classes (History of the Middle East, wherefore art thou? Intro to Judaism? Intro to Islam? WTF guys!) not being offered, there isn't a whole hell of a lot for me to take. I might try to sit Arabic 1001 again, so as to get a refresher and hopefully take it up in the spring, but it's a 5:30 class, twice a week. If I'm still working on the north end of the city, that would suck ass. And other than that, there's not a much going on.
Well, Modern Hebrew is being offered at lunch, which might be exciting. But seriously, I'd rather Arabic, and failing Arabic, some ME history classes. Or at least some proper religious studies courses. Honestly, GSU. Whiskey tango foxtrot.
Spanish will have to be featured, if I'm still working where I work currently. Because bedamned if I'm going to be stuck speaking to people in Spanish with my handy knowledge of "Hola, como esta? Bueno, bueno, esta uno ordin ...umcrapcrapcrap webhosting?"
On the plus side, I might be able to look into switching out GSU class for one offered elsewhere, possibly Emory or Agnes Scott or GA Perimeter as GSU is being lame.
Will have to investigate.
After the weekend from hell is over and my term paper is written.
Grant me strength.