Emo day is, surprise...emo.

Feb 02, 2012 16:27

Today kinda snuck up on me. I mean it's not like I didn't KNOW it was February now and that if yesterday was the first then today would, almost certainly, be the second.


The fact that 2012 is exactly forty years after 1972, which again - completely predictable, didn't resonate until this morning.

So, today is the fortieth anniversary of Sib4's death. He was a freshman in High School. He was fifteen. He was riding in a car driven by a seventeen year old friend. Our sixteen year old cousin and foster-brother was the other passenger. They were hit head on by a drunk driver. They died at the scene.

I was nine. Forty years later fifteen doesn't seem so grandiose and mature. My son is a freshman in High School. He will be fifteen in ten days.

All that is past sadness and dull regret - bittersweet but bearable.

More sharp...

The son of a dear friend (My son's godmother or as close as comes to it for Jews: she carried him to the Mohel at his Brit Milah) and The Boy's BFF is also fifteen. He was diagnosed with Leukemia yesterday and spent most of today being tested and poked and prodded. We'll know more later.

If you can send any good vibes, positive thoughts, or prayers his way that would be great. He is an amazing young man.

tmi, momhood, life is messy, sibs

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