What do I think of when I think of you?

Dec 08, 2011 11:24

Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you, They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back to me). Other people (including me) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

cruentum gave me:

1. Texas Ah, cruentum came here for school so he gets it! Am I so very happy being from Texas because I was an expat for so much of my childhood? Or because Austin is such a cool place to live? Don't know. It certainly isn't because of our idiot Governor.

2. Your kid I know. I know. I ramble on about him waaay to much but the thing is I DON'T in RL. Or at least I TRY not to (don't laugh lillian13!) Also it amuses/terrifies me that the Library of Congress will forever have a record of the most inappropriate twitter discussion/tmi ever about The Boy all because I drunkenly asked cruentum for advice.

3. Bees (just because of your icon) Pictures from sib3's hives before he retired from apiary a few years back. It just stuck as a default icon.

4. dragon*con Mmmmm, dragon*con! So much fun. So much gin! So many cool people.

5. Family Okay. *nods*

ilovetakahana gave me:

1. road trips Lately they’ve mostly been to Houston (mom) or San Antonio (in laws). Either way they require Coke Zero, something crunchy to snack on (roasted chickpeas, anyone?), good tunes, and (if I’m on my own) podfic!

2. “busted” Uh, Me? Or The Boy? I’m going with The Boy.

3. maps I love them so. They lie. I like that, too.

4.  Arthur and Eames running around the world  I love my BAMFs. Although I do tend to write them just drifting off or just waking.

5. lunch Hee. It’s hard to figure out how it all started. The Boy has been taking his lunch to school since Kindergarten and has been helping make it about that long. We started taking pics and tweeting a few just for a few friends who wondered what the heck a vegetarian foodie took for lunch. It was fun. I FULLY expected to quit this summer but when I polled twitter there was overwhelming support for keeping the pics going. Are there days when I pray a nutrionist doesn’t see it? You bet. But overall it’s been interesting and The Boy is dedicated to such a degree that he emails me images to tweet if I’m out of town! 


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