I have been remiss

Jul 07, 2011 17:38

I seem to be able to obsess via only one form of social-ish media at a time and most of my recent energy has been going into twitter. BUT, I have a few moments - long enough to make a quick un-proofread post at least.

Mostly I've shied away from posting because things are pretty good (and that always makes for a boring post unless specific things are specifically good) and because the things that are not so good are such privileged first-world problems that I feel kind of like an ass just worrying about them (much less POSTING about them.)

If that hasn't sent you fleeing back to your flist - read on...

The house renovation is over budget and over-schedule but not excessively so in either case. We'll be back in by the end of July which is just about three weeks away now. ACK. I have NO IDEA how all the details will get pulled together in that time frame but...

Overall things are great but there are tons of little things that need to be fixed or addressed or redone (the painters, in particular, seem to have done a fabulous job on somethings and a terribly crappy half-assed job on others.) It's frustrating because, of course, I want everything to be RIGHT and I know it will be...eventually, but. This whole finding tiny faults thing is exacerbated by the fact that Dave is now done with the Legislative Session and while he had no time or energy to even listen to updates for the past six months he is now over there every evening, obsessing about things. I SO WISH it had wrapped up on time and we were back in NOW!

Today was CRAZY as the new countertop was installed in the hall bathroom, the appliances were delivered, and most of the lighting fixtures and ceiling fans were delivered...all before 10am! I got over to the house about 6:45 to walk the dogs and was still there at 10:00 - sweaty and sloppy and unshowered (Really, who showers BEFORE they walk dogs in heat and humidity...it's better early in the morning but it was still 86˚F before I got the pups through their three miles.) Still, progress feels very very good! It is amazingly fun to see all the many choices I made back in February and March coming together and working!

The Boy leaves for camp on Sunday. Unbelievably it will be his EIGHT YEAR AT THIS CAMP OMG! Years ago I would have had everything packed already...complete with name labels all sewn in. Now, we figure we should probably go through stuff tomorrow to double check it all. Oh, hey, toss me a sharpie and I'll scribble your last name on this... so jaded.

As for me, well, I swing pretty hard between over-scheduled and stressed and hiding-from-the-twenty-three-straight-days-over-100˚F-energy-sapping-heat. A recent change in medicine seems to be working out as hoped (boy did I fret over this one, I HATE changing drug regimens) and I'm feeling pretty balanced and as controlled as I ever get.

Apparently I am also writing again - which is fun - and getting excited about Dragon*Con and possibly taking The Boy to Gallifrey 1 next year. I'm terribly conflicted about Torchwood:Miracle Day tomorrow - I WANT to be excited and part of me is - but I have so many friends who are avoiding every mention of it that it feels super awkward. I'm not 'angry' about COE so much as hurt by the huge schism in a fandom I adored and the nasty nasty taste of all the SIJ stuff. sigh.

And now...I gotta change into not sweaty yet clothes and head downtown to meet Dave for drinks before the STEVE EARLE SHOW TONIGHT!!! EEEEE!


keeping austin weird, scarred but smarter, life is messy, three chords and the truth, change is good, the joys of home renovation

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