Wow, I wonder where The Boy learned his awesome procrastination techniques?

Mar 04, 2011 09:39

aka I've got a really busy day ahead and some time-sensitive tasks so it made perfect sense to spend the last hour adding commentary and embedding videos in the Lyrics Meme post from yesterday. Umm, right. Now, you should VALIDATE all the time I just, uh, wasted, by clicking over to see what you knew without knowing you knew and check out the songs you really didn't know. Yeah, I'm aware that dead songwriters from Texas, Australian folkies, and mid-'80's South London Indie Rockers are not the most mainstream of artists but also passed on Amy Winehouse, Leonard Cohen, and The B-52s!

I'll feel better about getting lost in Youtube if you tell me what you love or hate or why I'm a pretentious idiot or any of that. Feel free to request uploads - but be aware that I still owe everyone from the meme LAST week. I should be able to get any and all old and new requests up this weekend.

Yesterday was crazy busy but WONDERFUL - and yeah, why I decided to do the meme in the middle of the day...well it made sense at the time.

*I got up and shooed the guys out for their traditional 'Taco Thursday' breakfast tacos on the way to school thing
*Hauled over to the house to walk the dogs
*Came home and suited up (I do think of my actual career clothes as costume, honestly)
*Had a not-terribly-productive meeting with the 504 (Special Ed) coordinator at The Boy's school in which I got to say (very politely) "I'm so very glad that your teenage daughter is vigilant about using her planner now but I'm a little unclear how your story relates to my profoundly ADHD student with completely different challanges. Am I missing a connection?"
*Settled into a borrowed office on the campus of Ye Olde Institute of Higher Learning for which I used to help coordinate Employee Relations and Compensation (yes, those really used to be ONE department) and for whom I still mediate every now and again when my name comes up in the rotation. The first mediation was very satisfying and we got to a good result. The second I mostly spent wanting to knock ALL PARTIES heads together and tell them to GROW UP ALREADY but as that is not a terrifically uncommon feeling during labor mediations I just sat there looking patient and asking leading questions. And, of course, there was no resolution and we're going to meet again next week. I did give everyone homework that should make things a little easier next session - assuming they give it any thought prior to ten minutes before our appointment.
*Sat around because they might have needed me to fill in for an AWOL mediator - hence music meme - but I wasn't actually needed which made me VERY happy because I kind of loathe working with the co-mediator I would have been stuck with (not a bad person - just a clumsy mediator IMHO)
*Picked up The Boy and took him to his therapy session
*Fed said Boy dinner at 4:45pm (when else was he going to eat?) and dropped him back at school for Musical Review rehearsals
*Stressfully fought rush hour traffic twelve miles across downtown and home to pick up the Garrison Keillor tickets I had absentmindedly left on the kitchen table when I dashed out of the house way back around the third bullet point, and then twelve miles back to The Boy's school arriving at the Theater 85 minutes later (I was in the apartment for ~45 seconds, the rest was drive time) only two minutes after the show started.
*Cheered madly for all the fantastic skits! The Boy was LeFou for "Gaston" (Beauty and the Beast) and was REALLY good at taking the fake punches and kicks that Gaston parceled out. He also filled in as a background dancer for the group doing Razzle Dazzle which was fun to see. So..he was a bit high off the good performance vibes.
*Headed downtown to the Paramount just in time to settle in for an 'Evening with Garrison Keillor' which was every bit as funny and quietly subversive as I expected but even sweeter. It was mostly autobiographical storytelling in a way that he avoids on Prairie Home Companion and it was particularly apt timing as The Boy is finishing up a major StoryCorp project for his English class and had chosen to interview his two grandmothers.
*Got my lovely companion for the evening home FAR TOO LATE (err, 10:30ish) and watched him crash into bed.
*Tried to stay up to visit with Dave when he got in around midnight (after a committee hearing) but was pretty much just alert enough to tell him goodnight. It's hard to remember how hard it was before text messaging and email and cell phones - we may not see or touch each other enough during the Legislative Session but at least we communicate all the time.

You know, my sudden descent into work avoidance behavior looks a lot more inevitable when yesterday is all bulleted like that!

And, laundry, digging the camping gear out of the storage unit so The Boy can pack for the Scout camping trip, SHIT sewing The Boy's new First Class rank patch to his Class A uniform (which means getting sewing stuff out of storage, too), and...umm, that's kind of it. Cool. AND I get a date with Dave tomorrow! W00T!

squee!, momhood, scarred but smarter, geek mom, thinkiness, three chords and the truth, such first world problems, our esteemed leaders, so glad i'm not in middle school, keeping austin weird, life is messy, don't mess with texas, you're doing it wrong, addictive behaviors are fun!

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