Surfacing with a meme, of all things...

Feb 10, 2011 22:02

I don't MEAN to neglect this journal for weeks on end, really I don't. But there was Plague Week and then MOVING WEEK and then MORE MOVING WEEK and then the weight of everything I hadn't written about was hanging around making snarky eyes at me...

But  mcwonthelottery is recovering from a health scare and posted this meme so it would be downright inexcusable to not get over here and post per her challenge.

I promise to send something handmade to the first 6 people who leave a comment here. It would be awesome if you would post this on your own journal and send things to people.

The only rules are that:

1) it must be handmade by you and,
2) it must be sent to your 6 people sometime within 2011.

If you would like a handmade thingy, reply to this post! I will send things anywhere on planet Earth! Comments are not screened. if you are one of the six people PM me your address (unless you have received mail from me since December). ♥

2. pocky_slash 
3. paragraphs 

MEANWHILE: We are out of the house and in a very comfortable older apartment at a small complex where we skew the demographic tremendously. It's mostly older ladies here and I've met almost EVERYONE and they all knew my name after the first three or four folks so I guess we're on the grapevine. Yesterday Wint (cat) didn't want to come in before I had to go get The Boy for rowing and the maintenance guy called me on my cell to let me know she was sitting at our door and would i like him to let her in!

The house is down to the framing on all the interior walls (and ceiling!) and the kitchen has been ripped apart (very satisfying) and brick is coming off the outside where new stuff is going and we're waiting on the city inspector to check the engineer's report and then they'll be pouring the new slab. Umm. which certainly feels REAL. No going back now, I guess.

Money is flying out of my hands at an alarming (and yet totally predictable and justified) rate and I've paid for the new metal roof, the new HVAC & ductwork, and the new kitchen cabinets & countertops in the last ten days. Just a moment while I remind myself to breathe. SHIT.  I used to LIKE spending money, now it makes me vaguely nauseated  - even though I am super-excited about it all and we really are running under budget thus far.

Today, I went appliance shopping with our designer (ooh, shiny but also ARGG Money). Double wall ovens, dishwashers, five burner gas cooktops with massive BTUs, warming drawers (yes, really...I have a teenager and a husband who often works until midnight!) I also sort of accidentally picked out some natural pebble tiles to use as the floor of our shower. Never let it be said that I can't be decisive. Away  from my beloved but oh-my-god-you're-driving-me-bonkers-make-a-choice-already spouse I can lay down all the decisiveness one could ever hope to see!

Speaking of whom...I actually spent time with him today WHEN WE WERE BOTH AWAKE! He had a lunch thing get cancelled and texted me with a very romantic "I have a meeting in 49 minutes but are you free for lunch?" and lo, I was only about four blocks away SO WE HAD LUNCH! AND HE WAS AWAKE. AND SO WAS I.  Which is certainly more than I expected given that there was a Senator's aide with a housing issue and Committee assignments just came out and Dave's intern started yesterday and all.

There is so much more but I am fading fast. I'll try to get some reno pictures up in the next couple of days.

ETA: There is Bridge every Tuesday and Mah Jongg every Thursday and I may never want to leave! (not that I've had time to join them yet...also little old ladies are the MOST VICIOUS Mahj players ever so I'm a little scared).

scarred but smarter, life is messy, the joys of home renovation, our esteemed leaders

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