Today Dave and I walked into the office of a friend and attorney and sat down with him and with a friend who owns a mortgage company and signed a butt-load of papers and viola. We have a home equity loan at a reassuringly small 3.6% and when it funds on Wednesday we will have a startling amount of money for this renovation. Which, of course means we now OWE a startlingly large amount of money + 3.6% of said total to the bank.
I honestly think I'd be looking at a sleepless night and lots of OMG OMG OMG hyperventilating but for the fact that I had a fabulous hour or so phone conversation with my college roommate yesterday. See, she's at the beginning of the "Holy crap my MIL needs to stop driving and really shouldn't live alone anymore" mess that I navigated over the past couple of years and We're at the beginning of a "Hey, let's rip our house apart and spend alarming amounts of money on rewiring and other not-sexy things" remodel and she's a PRO at that having remodeled homes in Chicago and Sweden and, now, Houston.
It's hard to express how comforting it was to be able to talk everything out in the sort of emotional shorthand that comes from knowing someone for twenty-nine years and to be able to offer some concrete support to her as well.
Anyhow, in honor of Karen and 1981, the year that we met at the University of Texas, and singing at the top of our lungs and bopping around our room wearing boys department striped button-down polo shirts (but no pants) ... I don't know - maybe you love it as much as we did?
Tempted by Squeeze Click to view