It's December 3rd already!!!! TREATS FOR ALL

Dec 03, 2010 10:00

You know how I said that the little December treats weren't ALL going to be songs for download. I stand by that completely but they are going to songs for the next couple of days 'cause that's what I have time for! Also, music makes me HAPPY! Hey, the DL numbers are a little crazy, particularly for the new Iron & Wine, so I'd love to see who is snagging stuff from my LJ and who is just stumbling onto it online. If you feel comfortable commenting (even with just a <3) if you DL that would be cool.


December 3 The Decemberists, The Crane Wife part 3

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And for the THIRD NIGHT OF HANUKKAH* a lovely sort of dreamy instrumental of Avinu Malkeinu by Rebbe Soul from a compilation a few years back called " Festival of Light". Yeah, I KNOW it's a prayer for the new year but as it keeps showing up on Hannukkah albums and we're heading into a new season AND IT IS PRETTY for goodness sakes I'm linking it here; I'm all about new beginnings wherever you find them!

Translation (kind of) if this version had lyrics, which it doesn't
Hear our prayer
We have sinned before thee
Have compassion upon us and upon our children
Help us bring an end to pestilence, war, and famine
Cause all hate and oppression to vanish from the earth
Inscribe us for blessing in the book of life
Let the new year be a good year for us

Meanwhile, it's been delightful here, all crisp and cool and what would be early Autumn most anywhere else but is early Winter here! Some internal switch has been flipped but good as I have been a soup making fool this week: Potato-Corn Chowder, Veggie Chili, and the best Lentil soup in ages with butternut squash and a nine or ten cloves of garlic and a little pomegranate balsamic (I had a bowl for breakfast after my walk and OH, YUM) and I am BAKING today despite the fact that Dave & I are on a plane to San Diego in like twenty hours.

Between now and flight time I need to pack and stalk a City arborist so he will FINALLY come look at this Cedar Elm and then there's Jewish/Muslim/Hindu teen "December is weird when you live in Texas but you're not Chrisitian**" dance party thing tonight after which we will dump The Boy off at his friend's for the weekend.

Good thing I'm having a mini-break because I need one after getting ready for it.

*I give up and am returning to my preferred transliteration
**not the official name

three chords and the truth, such first world problems, kitchen alchemy, virtual jew, the joys of home renovation, wanderlust, change is good, addictive behaviors are fun!

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