Festive Holiday Greetings from the Future

Nov 16, 2010 17:30

I am not at all sure how it got to be the middle of November already but I suspect that crack on Amelia Pond's wall has something to do with it. My initial reaction to the recent spate of Christmas Card posts was "pffft, these folks just plan well in advance" which, honestly, is not a skill I really have a handle on. But, no. It's THE MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER ALREADY!

I love Christmas* and the whole winter holiday scene and I would find great contentment in sending heartfelt greetings of the same to any of you who wish to grace me with your name and address. If I sent you a postcard from Maine or a treat for a meme I still have your address - except planejane I seem to have mislaid yours :( - otherwise, please drop a comment here with your details.

Depending on how the home renovation proceeds you may get a personalized creative work, a non-personalized creative work, a postcard, or a copy of The Boy's Doctor Who/Santa/Cthulhu art from when he was eight. All I can promise is the sentiment and affection will be genuine.

Comments are screened, of course.

*My family doesn't actually celebrate Christmas, being Jewish and all, but I do as I happen to be Catholic. Don't worry if that doesn't make sense to you; it works for us and that's all that matters.

bowties are cool, still catholic, made of win, the future is now, virtual jew, addictive behaviors are fun!

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