Brief Thoughts on The State of the Dremiel and Bitchin Kitchen

Nov 14, 2010 13:38

So, I'm just about ready to give up on 2010 and concede that it was the year of the upper-respiratory infection and focus my energy on 2011. Yes, I have a cold, again. Embarrassingly enough, this thing has laid me low and I've been utterly USELESS for two days now. I'm feeling substantially better today but hurt all over from coughing night and day and night.

Yesterday I nested on the couch, drank fifteen pots of peppermint tea, and watched the Doctor Who marathon on BBCA. Rather, I kind of zoned in and out for it. May I say that Eleven, Amy, River, and Rory are lovely to share a warm quilt and a pot of peppermint tea with. ♥, indeed!

Last night I took a bath and crawled between clean sheets (Thanks to Dave my beloved tea-making, Boy-wrangling, sheet-changing Super-spouse!) and tried to sleep, oh I tried. I zoned out to SportsNight and then stumbled gleefully on some old episodes of "Two Fat Ladies Cooking" and settled in to be entertained. Tomato pudding and stuffed artichokes and then they were talking about shooting cocks and good claret and when I woke up again it was to something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

Prancing around a red, black, and pink kitchen (featuring a large number of disembodied dolls heads) was a blond punk chic talking about cooking for your in-laws. Then it turned out she could actually cook AND teach AND the show was really funny. I had found Bitchin Kitchen. I was mesmerized!

The Chef-host is Nadia G. and she's a HOOT. On twitter I opined that her accent was Italian-Ukrainian as she said she was Italian but sounded EXACTLY like our old Ukrainian neighbor from Edmonton (who, BTW I am still convinced was a retired spy...more about that some other time). Turns out she grew up speaking Italian, in Montreal, while going to an English-speaking school. Okay. She's billed as a "Chef-Comedian" and her show Bitchin Kitchen is now running on the Cooking Channel (which is a sister network to The Food Network) but started as Web-based video and has been running a couple of seasons on the Canadian Food Network.

I don't know, while a steady diet of the punk-stylings might get old and she isn't breaking untouched culinary ground with her recipes, the fact is the girl can cook and her paradoxically IN-YOUR-FACE yet low-key style might actually get someone to try this stuff out. The main audience seem to be young folks who have some cooking experience but need a little confidence. Her take-away message is "This is fun and not as intimidating as you think". The episode I saw had lots of good tips about cooking for your in-laws: "RELAX they'll be so relieved that their baby has hooked up with someone that will feed him" and "It's simple but tastes like you give a fuck." then ended with the pragmatic "If this doesn't impress them you're pretty much screwed"

Here's a sample with her Media Reel. Enjoy! And much luck to Nadia G. thanks for putting something fresh out in the world!

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bowties are cool, blue glow, supreme awesomesauce, dorktastic!

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